Browsing the blog archives for July, 2013

Manhattan Infidel Presents the Democratic Party’s Declaration on Education (Part I)

Being an insatiable alcoholic reader I often find myself sleeping until 2 pm and then vomiting browsing the web looking for documents relevant to this blog.  Accordingly it gives me great pleasure to present to my readers a document I found on the Democratic National Committee’s website entitled “Declaration on Democratic Education.” Preface The Sacred […]


My Exclusive Steamy Online Chat with Anthony Weiner Fan Sydney Leathers

When the news of the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal Part II broke the worldwide headquarters of Manhattan Infidel had many questions:  How could Weiner let this happen again?  Will he pull out of the Mayor’s race? How does his wife feel?  And most importantly, this Sydney Leathers girl is hot.  Can I have a steamy […]


Manhattan Infidel Presents Your Professional Political Wife Scandal Template™

Once again the wife of a politician has been publicly humiliated by her husband. Watching Huma Abedin, Slida Wall Spitzer and Hillary Rodham Clinton beside their husbands has taught me one thing:  Feminism means standing by your man.  And so without malice or forethought and wishing to aid in the dissemination of knowledge I now […]


General Zod Hit With Sexual Harrasment Lawsuit

General Zod, CEO of Zod Industries, maker of party toys and womens’ earrings, has been charged with sexual harassment by his former secretary, Chantelle Lewis. At issue is Zod’s repeated insistence that Lewis “kneel before him.” “Every day he would come into the office wearing this plunging neckline thing and tell me to kneel” said […]

Weiner in Danger!

Anthony Weiner, front runner to succeed Lord Michael Bloomberg as the next mayor of New York City has come upon hard times. Two years after resigning his house seat in disgrace because of a sexting scandal he has once again been caught sexting to younger women. Using the screen name “Carlos Danger” he allegedly promised […]


Two Retarded Men Go Whitewater Rafting

Mayor Mike Bloomberg of New York City and Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State, arguably the two most famous differentially abled men in America went white water rafting in the Adirondacks yesterday. “I like water” said Bloomberg.  “It’s pretty.  I like to drink water.  Can I drink this water?” Wearing special helmets in case […]


Kate Middleton Goes Into Labor; America Anxiously Awaits Birth of Future Ruler

Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and second in line to the Presidency of the United States has gone into labor according to Buckingham Palace. As the world United States waited all major American television networks broke in with live coverage of the historic event.  Said Jeff Zucker, President of CNN: This […]

Helen Thomas Killed by Jews!

Helen Thomas, former dean of the White House Press Corps died Saturday at the age of 92 of “natural causes.”  Though all are agreed that “natural causes” is just a Jew code word for blood murder. “It’s true” said a doctor who attended her at the hospital. She was 92 years old.  And it’s not […]

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Looking Back: Armstrong Walks on Moon

On Sunday the world will be celebrating the 44th anniversary of man first landing on the moon.  As a history buff I have dug deep into NASA archives to present for the first time the complete transcripts from that historic occasion. Armstrong: The lunar surface is very fine grained.  Almost like a powder. That’s one small […]

Spock Fired as Hitting Coach

Spock was fired today as the hitting coach for the New York Yankees. Hired amid much publicity last winter, the move was seen as a bold one by the Yankees and an attempt to change the culture of the clubhouse. “Spock will bring a new hitting philosophy to our club” declared GM Brian Cashman. In […]