Hillary Threatens West Coast!

Vengeance is mine!







The world today looked on in shock and horror as Hillary threatened “mass destruction and death” to the west coast of the United States.

“The magnitude of this event has caught us all off guard” said a California official.

I don’t know why the hell she’s so angry with us. She won our state in 2016.  Everyone I know voted for her in that election.  We voted for her many times in fact. I personally remember voting six times not including absentee ballots.  Hell, it was our duty to protect America from Orange Man Bad. So this retribution against us is unfathomable. Why us? Why not destroy Alabama or West Virginia or any one of those hick red states?

The small Northern California port town of Eureka reported that Hillary appeared in the sky (artists representation of event pictured here)

Hillary is angry and will smite you!







and demanded that the world acknowledge her suzerainty.

“The entire town was frightened” said the mayor.

We’re all Californians. We all voted for her. But now is not the time to argue this point.  Her power is undeniable. So we all got down on our knees and promised eternal homage. Once we did that she seemed pacified, though she also said every resident owed her a week of labor and a she goat. We had trouble finding a she goat so we rounded up a dachshund.

This dachshund was sacrificed so we can live!









Hopefully she won’t notice the difference.  And as far as the week’s labor as long as we can do it remotely we’re fine with that.

South of Eureka the town of Mendocino also reported a Hillary apparition in the sky.

“It was just a normal day then we heard thunder” said one resident.

I looked up and then I saw Hillary in the sky (artist’s representation of event pictured here).

The day of retribution is at hand!









She told me the day of reckoning was here and that we all had to pay for Trump’s election in 2016.  I then noticed that the entire town seemed to have hanged themselves on street lamps. I asked Hillary if she was responsible for this and she said she was. She then blew a trumpet and said “Let the Californians hear what shall come to pass.”

Editor’s Note:  I, the humble blogger known as Manhattan Infidel, am shocked and saddened by these events and promise to do all I can to help Californians rebuild.


Breaking New Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News


I have just been informed that the Hillary that is about to attack the West Coast is in fact a hurricane named Hillary and not the former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State and Presidential candidate. I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding.

What?  No…..no Hillary I have already apologized.

Hillary smites!











Do not smite me!  I beg you! What if I give you a she goat?

Fortunately for me Hillary accepted my offer of a she goat.  Unfortunately for me I had no she goats handy so I gave her a shi tzu.

This shih tzu is a tragic but necessary sacrifice!








Hopefully she won’t notice the difference.



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