Browsing the blog archives for December, 2015

Santa Claus Moves Workshop to Texas!

Santa Claus, CEO of Santa’s North Pole Workshop, Inc, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, angered many in the North Pole today when he announced that he is moving his headquarters to Texas. “It’s true” Santa told reporters. Look this is a sad day for me as well.  I’ve been in the North Pole for a […]

Know Your Liberal: A Public Service Message From the Manhattan Infidel

In this dark and dangerous time our country is threatened on every side by a group of people so intolerant, so backward, so filled with hatred towards the United States and its values and Constitution. I am of course referring to the White Liberal. In the the hopes that our country can be saved I […]


My Exclusive Interview with Leonardo DiCaprio, Noted Thespian, Climate Change Activist and Bear Rape Victim

Today at Manhattan Infidel I have the privilege of interviewing respected actor and noted climate change activist Leonardo DiCaprio. MI: Good afternoon Mr. DiCaprio.  May I call you Leo? LD: What difference does it make.  We are all doomed MI: What? LD: Watt! MI:  What? LD:  Watt! MI:  What? LD:  Watt! Watt!  Watt! Is that a 100 watt light […]

Peter Pan Tired of Eternal Youth; Wants Pubes to Grow!

Peter Pan, pre-pubescent resident of Neverland is reportedly disenchanted with eternal youth. “You think this is fun?” he told a visitor. All I do is have boyish adventures with my friends. Not a responsibility in the world. Oh sure it was fun at first. Kinda like always being at recess without having to play dodgeball. […]

My Exclusive Interview with Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Today at Manhattan Infidel I have the pleasure of a visit from none other than the distinguished Attorney General for the United States, Loretta Lynch. MI: Good afternoon Mrs. Attorney General. LL: Good afternoon Manhattan Infidel. MI: As a black woman, and as our Attorney General, what does America mean to you?  Do you believe in American exceptionalism? […]


My Exclusive Interview with Erin Burnett

Today at Manhattan Infidel I have the pleasure of interviewing a fellow journalist: Erin Burnett, formerly of CNBC and now with CNN. MI: Good afternoon Miss Burnett. EB: Good afternoon Manhattan Infidel.  You know it’s such a pleasure to be interviewed by a fellow journalist.  One journalist to another. Only we understand what’s really going on. MI: I’m […]

From the Manhattan Infidel Archives: Motives Remain a Mystery in Pearl Harbor Attack!

Yesterday the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked today by the Empire of Japan. As the news first broke many have tried to fathom the motives of the Japanese.  Why did they attack?  Was the United States at fault?  After all we are not at war with the Japanese, who it must […]


President Obama Addresses His Subjects

Because of my dedication to my readers I decided to tune into our Lord’s latest address to his subjects.  Just as well. It was either watch Obama or cuddle with a woman.  Okay, an inflatable doll. And so dear readers, sit back and listen to the words of wisdom from the most intelligent man in the […]


Motive Remains a Mystery for Muslim Shooting Rampage Template™

As the news filtered in about a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California that left 14 dead, the Worldwide Headquarters of Manhattan Infidel™ sprang into action okay I was in a bar so I didn’t have time to write about it yesterday. Having had time to gather the facts sober up I now present the […]


My Exclusive Interview with President Barack Hussein Obama

Being a blogger can often be lonely. Stuck in my crappy, cramped one-bedroom in upper Manhattan with nothing to do except to see if any women respond to my penis selfies the mind can wander. And so it has.  Do I have enough money to pay my bills this month? What if I ate something […]