Browsing the blog archives for May, 2011

Weiner Exposed!

The entire political foundation of our Republic, already on edge from partisan attacks, was dealt a further blow when a picture, allegedly of Anthony Weiner’s (D-NY) private area was sent via his Twitter account. The saga of Weinergate began Friday night when an unnamed but “comely coed” with a reported crush on Weiner received this […]


Dalai Lama Admits He's Only In It for the Women

The Dalai Lama the leader of the Yellow Hat branch of Tibetan Buddhism shocked his devoted followers today by announcing that “all things being equal I’m only in it for the women.” I mean, what do you expect?  I have a really boring job.  How many times can you travel around the world and shake […]

Yankees Beat Division Rival Blue Jays (and Jose Bautista Too!)

“Basketball, hockey and track meets are action heaped upon action, climax upon climax, until the onlooker’s responses are deadened.  Baseball is for the leisurely afternoons of Summer and for the unchanging dreams” ~ Roger Kahn Today I went to see the Yankees play an afternoon matinee against division rivals the Toronto “We are Canadian, eh?” […]


Popular Sportswriter Held in Slaying of Gay Lover

Popular sportswriter Oscar Madison was arrested today for the murder of his live-in lover, photographer (portraits a specialty) Felix Unger. Unger’s ex-wife Gloria became concerned when he would not return phone calls and informed the police that she thought he might be in trouble. I knew something was wrong.  It wasn’t like Felix not to […]

Fantasy Island to Shut Down

For almost 40 years, the so-called “Fantasy Island’, a resort community for the rich located in the Pacific Ocean was a top destination.  But no more.  Mr. Roarke, sole owner and proprietor of Fantasy Island has decided to close up shop. “It’s just gotten to expensive” said Roarke during an interview on CNBC.  “The maintenance […]

Obama Calls for United States to Revert to Pre-1776 Border

President Obama surprised many in Washington today when he called upon the United States to revert to its pre-1776 border. “I think we can all agree that the borders of the United States, as they exist today will not bring peace” he began.  “My administration is dedicated to a two state solution between the U.S. […]

Rapture Postponed

The rapture, which was scheduled for May 21st, has been postponed.  The Archangel Michael, CEO of Heaven Inc. made the announcement during a press conference this afternoon. What can I say?  Of course I’m disappointed.  But we didn’t have all our ducks lined up.   The logistics of the rapture are daunting to say the least.  […]

French Socialist Redistributes His Semen

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the international monetary fund and leading candidate for the Presidency of France on the socialist ticket was arrested and ordered held without bail over allegations that he sexually assaulted a maid at a Manhattan hotel. The arrest has sent shock waves through not only France but the entire world.  Many […]


Inside Bin Laden's Porn Stash

When the news broke that Osama Bin Laden had a sizable porn collection at his Pakistan hideaway many wondered exactly what was in his “modern, electronically made” collection? Readers of Manhattan Infidel can rest assured with the knowledge that I, at great danger to myself, would leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of the […]

Tragedy on High Seas: Love Boat Sinks!

Tragedy struck today as the Pacific Princess, piloted by Captain Merrill Stubing went down in the Pacific, killing 1500 on board.  Initial reports indicate the the Pacific Princess, cruising in the vicinity of Hawaii’s Big Island, hit an iceberg.  Authorities are still trying to determine how the ship hit an iceberg in tropical waters. Shortly […]