Browsing the blog archives for December, 2018

Your {Revised} {Revised} {Revised} {Revised} Revised} and Extended NFL Malfeasance Template™

            I know. Didn’t I just write one of these things last week?  What can I say. The National Football Felon League will never disappoint. Let’s just hope none of the Kennedy’s ends up playing in the NFL. If that ever happens then civilization as we know it is over. […]

With Kevin Hart Out, Oscars Search for New Host

                    With the news that Kevin Hart was out as host of the Oscars less than a week after being named the search is on for a new host of this year’s Academy Awards. Using my contacts in show business grifters and whores I have come […]

My Exclusive Interview with George Papadopoulos

            As a typical American who gets his news from the mainstream media I have been following the treason trials of those associated with Donald Trump’s collusion. One of the figures involved in trying to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton is George Papadopoulos.  Papadopoulos has recently been released […]


Frosty the Snowman Accused of Transphobia!

            Well-known anthropomorphic snowman Frosty has seen his popularity plummet after being accused of gender- and trans-phobia. “I don’t know what to say” said a chastened Frosty. I don’t know what they are talking about! I love children and would never harm nor confuse them in any way.  I just […]

MSM Look Forward to Mitt Romney’s Upcoming Funeral

            Fresh off the great ratings from the funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush, the mainstream media networks of the United States are busily planning the next Republican funeral. “The ratings were through the roof” said one network executive. And if there’s one thing we network executives like it’s ratings […]


Seven Dwarfs to Break Up!

            International singing sensation The Seven Dwarfs have announced that they are breaking up. The group, who shot to fame with their smash hit “Heigh Ho” about the dreary life of working in a mine have said in a statement that “Personal, business and musical” differences have led to this decision […]

Former Actress and Current Crazy Woman Rose McGowan’s Totally Feminine Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Assaulted in Women’s Rest Room for Looking Like a Man and That’s Wrong Because She’s Gender Fluid Meaning She is So Feminine and Awesome and Should Not Be Mistaken For a Man!

                    Former Actress Rose McGowan took to the airwaves to complain about the treatment her androgynous gender-fluid z/she partner Rain Dove was accorded in a public bathroom. “This is ridiculous” said the once hot and in-demand actress though I know I should not use the term […]

Reboot of Show That Wasn’t Funny 30 Years Ago Cancelled Because America Wasn’t Ready For Its Message and Orange Man Bad But Mostly Because It Really Sucked!

            The reboot of Murphy Brown, the long-running and deeply unfunny sitcom from 30 years ago has been cancelled after only 13 episodes it has been revealed. “Sadly our show has been cancelled” said one of the show’s producers. I guess Americans were just too stupid to understand the witty […]

George Herbert Walker Bush Dead: MSM to Use Same Template It Used at John McCain’s Funeral to Bash Orange Man Bad™!

              George Herbert Walker Bush, former ambassador to the UN, former CIA director and 41st president of the United States died Friday evening at his home in Houston. “I might as well say it: We are not sorry he’s dead” said a producer at one of the four mainstream TV news […]