Former Actress and Current Crazy Woman Rose McGowan’s Totally Feminine Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Assaulted in Women’s Rest Room for Looking Like a Man and That’s Wrong Because She’s Gender Fluid Meaning She is So Feminine and Awesome and Should Not Be Mistaken For a Man!

Totally not batshit crazy











Former Actress Rose McGowan took to the airwaves to complain about the treatment her androgynous gender-fluid z/she partner Rain Dove was accorded in a public bathroom.

“This is ridiculous” said the once hot and in-demand actress though I know I should not use the term actress as that is gender specific and we live in an enlightened gender-fluid world.

My partner Rain Dove is the most feminine gender-fluid z/she I have ever met. I fell in love with z/she at first site. How can anyone mistake z/she for a man? I mean come on!  Just look at z/she!

Also not batshit crazy









Z/she is totally a woman. Totally. Female in every respect. Except for her rippling biceps and forearms.  God I love watching her chop wood. She’s very strong. Yet also totally feminine in a non-binary fashion. Just like Michael J. Fox. This woman, I’m sorry I mean this z/she, is the love of my life. I don’t want a penis. I’m done with penises. And I’m not just saying that because producers stopped trying to sleep with me. When I’m lying next to Rain Dove in bed z/she’s the next best thing to having a man. If I were into binary beings that is. But Rain Dove, who is totally feminine, was assaulted in a ladies restroom by someone who thought she was swinging a dick. 

Still not batshit crazy and totally feminine and if you don’t think so you have a problem!












Though I don’t know how they could have come to that conclusion frankly. Z/she doesn’t have a dick. At least not yet. Rain Dove reserves the right to get one in the future. We don’t know where we’ll get one. I tried Dick’s Sporting Goods but, hello, no dicks. Talk about false advertising.

Because the totally feminine in a non-binary fashion Rain Dove was assaulted in a woman’s restroom, McGowan has petitioned her state assemblywoman to ban binary restrooms in California.

The way I see it is the problem isn’t that Rain Dove and I are obviously batshit insane 

Totally not a batshit insane couple









but that gender preconceptions in this deeply sexist society are holding us back. That is why we must have gender-fluid restrooms. Teenage and pre-teen girls might as well get used to seeing swinging dicks in restrooms. It will help their careers later on in life. At least that’s what Harvey Weinstein told me when he swung his dick in my face at an audition. He doesn’t do that anymore. Come to think of it it’s been about 20 years since any man has touched me. But I don’t need them. I have Rain Dove who is the next best think to having a dick but without all that toxic masculinity.


Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News


Michael J. Fox has been assaulted in a men’s restroom in Los Angeles.

“I don’t want ladies in the men’s restroom” said the attacker.

When informed that Michael J. Fox was indeed a man the attacker expressed remorse.

“Wow. Serves me right for having preconceived notions of gender identity. Boy do I have egg on my face.”


3 Responses

  1. xtron says:

    men are from mars, women are from venus.
    all other genders are from Uranus.

  2. LSP says:

    xtron, Mars needs women?!?

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