Your James Franco-Inspired “Hollywood Superstar Spirals Into Depression Following Trump Victory” Template

I'm spiraling into a deep emotional depression

I’m spiraling into a deep emotional depression

Noted Hollywood superstar James Franco recently admitted that he has had a tough time emotionally after Hillary Clinton’s loss in November.

“I’ve spiraled into a depression and I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things” said the Oscar-nominated actor.

I certainly hate to see rich, privileged elite spiral into depression and want to find the root cause of such emotional distress. With that in mind it’s time for another one of my patented templates. (Do not try this at home. Remember I am a professional amateur blogger.)

Depression is serious. Many Hollywood actors suffer from depression.  Why?

  • Brilliant minds often fall victim to emotional distress
  • They have so much on their minds, what with trying to stop global warming and all
  • They are emotionally stunted narcissists
  • They spend thousands on cocaine every week yet still feel emotionally unfulfilled

What are the warning signs of depression in rich, privileged Hollywood assholes elite?

  • Their brilliant, erudite intellects begin to function on an ignorant “red-state” level
  • Increase in cocaine and/or meth use
  • Lack of interest in underage boys
  • Orgy on private yacht only seems slightly desirable

What can pull an actor out of a debilitating, spiraling depression?

  • Recognition from one’s peers
  • Increase in cocaine and/or meth use
  • Underage boys
  • Prescription “pain killers” such as Oxycodone. Granted it won’t end depression but when you’re high as a kite who gives a shit

I’ve told an actor that they are brilliant and given them free cocaine and/or meth but they are still depressed. What can I do?

  • Give them space. Sometimes brilliant, privileged elite just need to work out their issues
  • You  mentioned cocaine and/or meth. Try throwing in heroin as well
  • Put on a chauffeur’s uniform and let them f*ck you in the ass
  • Put on a chauffeur’s uniform and f*ck them in the ass

What can Americans do to end the scourge of depression in Hollywood?

  • Prayer always works
  • Stop voting Republican you stupid red state hicks! Don’t you realize how much that depresses Hollywood?
  • I mean come on! America doesn’t deserve its Hollywood elite. They are so much better than you mere laborers
  • Try putitng on a French maid uniform instead of a chauffeur’s uniform. After all they are actors and can play versatile roles

And there you have it, dear readers. Let us all join together and end the scourge of depression among rich, privileged Hollywood actors. It’s the least we common people can do.



Emergency Medical Hologram on Voyager Deactivated Due to Glitch in Programming!

Please state the nature of your sexual emergency

Please state the nature of your sexual emergency

The Emergency Medical Hologram (“EMH“) aboard the Star Ship Voyager has been shut down because of aberrant behavior on its part.

“It’s bad enough our doctor died so we had to activate the EMH” said Voyager’s Captain, Kathryn Janeway.

I like my doctors like I like my bourbon: real and warm. No ice. And EMH’s always are a little icy. But eventually we got used to him and started viewing him as a member of the crew. But then the trouble started.

The trouble would be a hidden sub-routine in the EMH’s programming.

How were any of us to know that the EMH was written in with a sexual sub-routine that was activated by our crew.  I blame Tom Paris and B’Elanna Torres. Those two were always going at it. But since B’Elanna is part Klingon she injured Tom once during sex.

Let's have rough sex that injures you

Let’s have rough sex that injures you

So they called the EMH. He’s supposed to say “Please state the nature of your medical emergency” when you activate him. Instead he sees them and says “Please state the nature of your sexual emergency.”  Then he asked if he could stay and watch. I expect that sort of behavior from Ensign Kim but not the EMH.

Thinking it was just a temporary bug a Level 3 diagnostic was run on the EMH.

The diagnostic didn’t find anything so we thought we were safe. But the problem kept getting worse. Now every time we activated him he wanted to get his holographic freak on. Sometimes he wasn’t even wearing pants. I’m no programmer but whoever programmed this guy needs to be shot.

One crew member, a former Borg designated Seven of Nine

Come on Come on let's make love tonight

Come on Come on let’s make love tonight

in particular was the target of the EMH’s sexual subroutine.

He would show up in her quarters even when not activated. At all hours. He even started singing an old Earth tune by Marvin Gaye called “Sexual Healing.” While Seven of Nine called security the EMH would prance around in a towel singing “Get up, get up, get up, get up Let’s make love tonight.”  I tell you it was borderline harassment.

Soon the EMH’s sexual subroutine became insatiable.

He started showing up at all the male crew quarters.  “Time for your exam” he’d say while waving what he called “The Finger of Pleasure”  in front of a poor crewman’s face.  Commander Chakotay

I feel violated!

I feel violated!

still hasn’t stopped crying. I think he may be seriously psychologically harmed by what happened.

Finally the core of the Voyager’s computer system had to be brought down while all references to the EMH were wiped out.

Now we have no doctor. Shame really since we’re stuck in the Delta quadrant and it’ll take us 70 years to get back to Earth. But we have a library and I’m having the cook, Neelix, study any medical textbooks we have. Most of the crew have died but he’s learning.

At the moment there are no plans to bring back the EMH.

“Before we reactivate the horny bastard I’m having the replicator make chastity belts for all of us” said Janeway.


Manhattan Infidel Presents Your Horoscope: The Protest Edition

What's your sign honey?

What’s your sign honey?

It’s been awhile since the Worldwide Headquarters of Manhattan Infidel had a horoscope.There are many reasons for this. But since I am drinking again I feel it’s time for the next horoscope. And seeing that protests against the President are once again fashionable I give you: The Protest Edition horoscope.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You will make efforts above and beyond the call of duty over the next few days  so get those protest signs ready. Your immediate future is rosy and your long-term prospects are impressive. Just kidding. Video of you throwing a garbage can through a bank window will go viral and no none will hire you after that. But hey as long as mom and dad let you live in the basement who needs a job?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Someone you think of as a friend will try to mislead you today. But don’t be fooled. Throwing a garbage can through a window is a serious offense. I don’t care what the Aquarius thinks. So do not throw that garbage can. Wear a pussy hat instead.  It’s cute and people will take you seriously

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You may be full of enthusiasm for something but if you come on too strong today you may scare away someone whose friendship could be important to you. So put down that garbage can, don’t kick in that car window and take that pussy hat off your head. Yeah I know I told the Pisces it was cute but I was lying. You look ridiculous.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

It may seem as if someone is going out of their way to make life difficult for you but chances are you are overreacting. All they really want to do is set your car on fire. But this is no reason not to be friendly. Compliment them on their pussy hat and remember you are misogynistic. racist hater. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Something has affected you deeply and you are struggling hard not to show it. Why?  I’d get angry to if someone in a pussy hat threw a garbage can through your window. Everyone gets emotional occasionally so don’t deny what you feel. If you keep things bottled up inside there is a danger you might explode, not unlike that pipe bomb that went off down the block.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It would be nice if certain people would come round to your way of thinking but if they don’t consider rioting. But first print up some nice protest signs then break their windows and set their car on fire.  Remember they are not as compassionate as you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

No horoscope for you. You’re not worth it. Leo’s are scum. I bet you don’t even own a pussy hat! In fact I’m going to throw a garbage can through your window. You hater!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Life is too short to waste time worrying about events that may never happen, so get over whatever is bothering you. You lost the damn election. Put that garbage can down, take off your pussy hat and get a job hippie.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Express yourself freely and creatively in everything you do. Block traffic! Wear a pussy hat! Carry large placards. Did I mention blocking traffic?  Because that’s a winner and a sure fire way of influencing people and getting them to come over to your point of view. Oh hell if I see you in the street i’ll run you over punk.

Scorpio ( October 23 – November 21)

Avoid going to extremes over the next few days. By that I mean do not block traffic while carrying a placard and wearing a pussy hat.  A Libra was just run over doing that! Boy these conservatives! All they care about is getting to work and paying their bills. Such haters!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You cannot afford to wait for people to catch up with your political beliefs. So get out there on the street and block some traffic! Break some windows! Set cars on fire. Don’t worry if you are all alone. What are the chances of someone running you over?

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You suck. No one wants to be your friend. You have no personality and people just do not want to be around you. You will die alone. Unless you are sent to jail for throwing a garbage can through a window. Then you won’t die alone. You will die with your cell mate on top of you. (Your pussy hat must have turned him on.)


Green Women Form Support Group; Star Fleet Officers Target of Their Wrath!

I am green women hear me roar!

I am green women hear me roar!

Throughout the Alpha quadrant, green woman have bonded together into support groups. The object?  Share their experiences at the hands of Star Fleet officers.

“We are tired of how Star Fleet officers use us and then toss us away” said one green woman attending a support session.

Yes I am green. And no man can resist a green woman but that doesn’t mean I am here for your objectification. I’m serious. Every time I meet someone from the Federation it starts out well. They buy me flowers. Handbags. Shoes. But eventually they all want the same thing: To get inside my green pussy. I have feelings. I’m not just here for a hookup. I want to find a life partner!

Still another green woman spoke of the lack of boundaries.

I’m a dancer. I don’t apologize for using my body. A girl’s got to do what a girls’ got to do.

You can look but you better not touch!

You can look but you better not touch!

I do a lot of private parties for Star Fleet officers on shore leave. They are good tippers. But they insist on touching as well as looking. I can understand it. I’m a green woman after all. They all want me. Even Wesley Crusher was getting turned on. Though his pubes haven’t dropped yet so he wasn’t able to do anything. So yeah, but come on. I’m a professional dancer not an escort. Keep your grubby Star Fleet hands off my body!

So concerned has Star Fleet become by the so-called “Objectifying Star Fleet gaze

The objectifying Star Fleet gaze has become a problem

The objectifying Star Fleet gaze has become a problem

that a Prime Directive has been sent out to all officers warning them that contact with green women has been officially banned for centuries.

Star Fleet Order No. 297A

Re:  Green Women

Pursuant to previous memos and reinforcing official Fleet policy all officers are reminded that as ambassadors of the Federation they shall not objectify or otherwise sexualize the local inhabitants, including but not limited to Romulans, Vulcans, Klingons, Aldebaran shellmouths and of course green women. Your first mission in remote regions is to spread the values of the Federation. Nor does “to seek out new life” mean coitus as is widely believed. We ask all officers to adhere to this policy. Violators will be fined and/or demoted in rank.

The order has for the most part met with little resistance.

“Screw it. I’ll just use the holodeck for my green girl action” commented Commander Riker of the Enterprise D.

Not everyone however wishes to stay away from green women.

I just want to do it with a green girl!!!!

I just want to do it with a green girl!!!!

“I just want to do something with a green girl!  Why oh why don’t my pubes descend? Come on pubes. Do your thing!” acting ensign Wesley Crusher was heard to cry.


Democratic Leaders Hold Conference on How to Talk to the Common Man

Just like Dr. Doolittle talked to the animals, we Democrats have to talk to the common man!

Just like Dr. Doolittle talked to the animals, we Democrats have to talk to the common man!

Still reeling from the unexpected defeat of Hillary Clinton, Democratic leaders of the House and the Senate held a private retreat in West Virginia to learn how to talk to the common man, widely believed to be the reason they lost.

“We didn’t get our message across very well” said House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Like all intelligent people I wish white people would just shut up. Haven’t they done enough damage? But telling undereducated white folk this just made them rebel and not vote for us. So we have to learn to talk to the undereducated rubes. It’s not fun. I feel dirty. Rural white folk disgust me. But a vote’s a vote.

To assist in their “white people talking” a booklet was printed up and the Democrats in attendance had to perform exercises to help them better talk to rural white folk.  Said Pelosi:

I’ve been told that many of these dirty, filthy, manual-laboring white folk are traditional and religious. We Democrats have to be comfortable talking about our faith to these people. Even though we Democrats have different sacraments than religious folk – I prostrate myself before the altar of socialism and abortion – the principle is the same. Except I’m not a superstitious, ignorant commoner.

With that, shrugging her shoulders as if to say “Here goes nothing” Pelosi began a practice address to white folk.

All powerful God of hell fire I ask thou to pour down your wrath upon the ignorant white folk gathered around me. Let them realize that God and the Democratic party are the same thing. May they know that if they do not vote Democrat they shall be shunned and their businesses taxed out of existence. I ask this all powerful, wrathful, vengeful God so that these white folk will come to know your power. Smite them that disobey the Democratic Party! Throw them into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Next up was Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana whose topic was binary marriage.

Hey white man. You believe in heterosexual marriage? Is that what you rural folks want? You want to stick your dick in a woman’s pussy? You are perverted. Despite my disgust at your actions I ask you to please vote Democrat so we can continue to protect your penis in vagina sexual activity. Rubes!

“I think I nailed that” said Buttigieg. “The binary vote is ours!”

The conference ended when all the attending Democrats joined hands and sang Kum ba yah.

“This is so exciting” said Steny Hoyer (D-MD).

“It’s just like Woodstock only I’m not having binary sex with a flower child. I miss binary sex.”



My Exclusive Interview with the Sad, Tragic Jeremy Gelbwaks

So close to fame and fortune only to have it cruelly snatched away.

So close to fame and fortune only to have it cruelly snatched away.

Show business can be cruel and heartless even for the very lucky. But those those who aren’t lucky it can be extremely devastating. With that in mind today I interview Jeremy Gelbwaks, the first drummer for the Partridge family and learn his tragic story.

MI: Good afternoon Jeremy. How are you?

JG: You told me over the phone you’d give me 100 bucks if I spoke to you. Where’s my money?

MI: You’ll get it after the interview. So tell me about the Partridge family.

JG: I was there from the beginning. I saved their asses. They needed a drummer for a gig in New Hamburg, New York but didn’t have any. So they hired me.

MI: You were with them for two years. They must have liked your drumming.

JG:  I created the Partridge family sound. My drumming brought them attention. I had my own style. I called it the “Jeremy Gelbwaks atomic beat.” It drove the band to greater heights musically.

MI:  You were there when the Partridge family was discovered and got their first big break.

JG: Yeah, some rich guy named Ruben Kincaid found us. We were playing a block from his record store. People used to go in and ask for our records so he came to see us. He signed us right after that.

MI: He got you the TV show on ABC.

JG:  Yep. We were in the big time. Fame and fortune. I tell you I was getting more pussy than Jimmy Page.

MI: Did you get along with the other members of the Partridge family?

JG:  I was closest to Shirley Jones. She was a sweetheart. I never liked David Cassidy. He was jealous of my looks and was afraid I was getting more girls than he did.

MI: So you’re riding high and after the first year what happened?

JG: Reuben called me and asked me to meet him in his office. I thought I was going to get a raise, being the most popular member you know. Instead he says “Jeremy the family has spoken. They want you out and Brian Forster in.” 

Gelbwak's replacement

Gelbwak’s replacement

I was devastated. I felt like I had been stabbed in the back. How could they do this to me. I’m a better drummer than Brian. Everybody knows that.

MI: Did the other members of the Partridge family ever give you any explanation?

JG: No. I never heard from any of them again.

MI: So what have you done since you left the band?

JG:  I formed my own band, the Jeremy Gelbwaks Combo. We toured for a couple years but didn’t have any success. So we split up. After that I tried to kill myself by putting my head in an oven. Fortunately since I had no money the gas had been turned off. Then I got a job at Burger King. It’s good, honest work and I get all the free fries I want. I like fries.

MI:  I see.

JG: I’m up for a promotion to assistant manager. I hope I get it. Maybe if I become a manager the girls will like me again. Chicks dig assistant managers you know.

MI: Well that’s about all the time I have.

JG: Hey, where’s my money.

[Manhattan Infidel gives him 100 dollars]

JG: Thanks. This will come in handy. I need to buy some new bed sheets. To impress the ladies you see.

MI: Right. Well thank you for meeting with me.

JG: No problem. Oh and tell David Cassidy that if I ever see him I’ll kick his pretty boy ass.

And so ended my interview with the slightly tragic Jeremy Gelbwaks. I leave you with the Partridge family (with Jeremy Gelbwaks not Brian Forster) in all their glory.  I for one feel that Gelbwaks atomic beat drove the band.



Miss Piggy Still Missing a Week After Women’s March!

Miss Piggy is missing!

Miss Piggy is missing!

Nine days after the famous Women’s March that united the globe, Hollywood veteran Miss Piggy remains missing.

“It’s true” said her manager.

No one has heard from her and we are all concerned. The last time I spoke to her she was in Washington at the march waiting for her chance to speak. She said Ashley Judd was on stage and “firing up the sisterhood.”  Miss Piggy was looking forward to speaking and sharing her experiences with sexism in Hollywood.

While many know Miss Piggy from her years with the Muppets what many don’t know is that behind the scenes she had become radicalized after dealing with the patriarchy in Hollywood.

“Miss Piggy wanted to be taken seriously as an artist” said a friend.

Instead she found nothing but casting couches. She became resigned to using her body to get roles. That’s how she got the job on the Muppets. Jim Henson wanted sexual favors from Miss Piggy. She didn’t like it. She felt humiliated but a girl has to do what a girl has to do to survive.

Disgusted by years of sexism, her ability to reproduced destroyed by repeated abortions demanded by her producer boyfriends, Miss Piggy became embittered and grew to hate men.

Seeing the Women’s  march as a chance to proclaim her feminist values Miss Piggy traveled to the event, speech in hand. This speech, which she never had the chance to give, was found in a garbage can after the march, some portions of which I now quote in hopes that it will give us insight into her final days.

I am a nasty pig. I am a nasty woman. I am a nasty pig woman. I’m not as nasty as the bloodstains in my pig panties. I’m not as nasty as bleeding from my orifices. Bleeding imposed upon us by a god that hates nasty women. I am a nasty pig woman but not as nasty as using a coat hanger to abort my child because my rich producer boyfriend wouldn’t pay for an abortion. My vagina is bloodier than the season premiere of the Walking Dead! I take pride in my nasty blood. I smear my nasty blood and nasty feces all over the walls of the patriarchy!

“After Ashley left the stage I turned to give Miss Piggy her cue but she was gone” said a march organizer.

We thought maybe she had gone to a porta-john or she was putting on some makeup but no one could find her. So instead we all linked arms and sang Tammy Wynette’s song “Stand by Your Man” only we changed the lyrics to “Stand by Your Bloody Pussy.”

Suspicion immediately fell upon Miss Piggy’s long-time paramour, Kermit the Frog.

Despite carrying a sign that said “Beta male just here to shut up, learn and listen” many doubted if he were a true feminist.

“Kermit  liked his women young and let’s face it, Miss Piggy was getting up there” said an associate of the two.

I mean everyone on the set of the Muppets knew he was trying to get rid of her. Hell he even asked Fozzy Bear if he’d kill her for $50,000. I guess he figured paying someone to murder her was cheaper than paying alimony.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Fozzy Bear who is described as “extremely dangerous and armed with many bad jokes.”

Kermit maintains his innocence but has traveled to a non-extradition country just in case.

“I’m just sitting here relaxing in the south of France. Where’s Missy Piggy?  That’s none of my concern” said Kermit.


Batman Fined By Gotham City Fire Department!

Look at this firetrap!!

Look at this firetrap!!

Local resident and masked crime fighter Batman has been fined an undisclosed but”hefty” sum after the Fire Department of Gotham made a surprise inspection of the Bat Cave and logged 16 major fire code violations.

“Upon a routine inspection of said ‘Bat Cave’ we found violations” said the commissioner of the GCFD.

For starters the Bat Cave had only one exit which was not clearly marked. This in itself is enough to shut down the premises. There were no emergency lights in the Cave in case of a power outage or fire. So no one would be able to follow the emergency lights to the exit.

We discovered dangerous chemicals such as shark repellent, Joker repellent and Penguin repellent. We also found on the premises thermite explosives, mini-mines, coke-fueled salamander, portable space heaters, powered industrial equipment and a tar kettle. He was in possession of all of these without the required permit from the GCFD. He also was improperly disposing of industrial waste. The Bat Cave was also deficit in the required fire protection systems. There were no portable fire extinguishers. No high expansion foam systems. No wet or dry chemical fire extinguishing systems. In fact there was no fire alarm system at all. It is a wonder that the entire cave hasn’t exploded yet. We had to shut it down. We have a responsibility to Gotham to keep its citizens safe. And unlike the GCPD we actually do our job.

When reached for comment Batman pleaded for a temporary exemption from the fire code.

“I have nothing but respect for the hard working members of the GCFD” said Batman.

But my entire success depends on secrecy. I’m a masked crime fighter after all. And because I depend on secrecy it’s not like I could hire electricians out of the phone book when setting up the Bat Cave. Believe me I tried. But when I told them that they had to sign an oath of secrecy they walked out. “We’re union and no one is telling us what to do” they told me. So I had to cut some corners. I hired Mexicans. They wired the place up as best they could but maybe there was a language barrier. I don’t speak Spanish and Robin is gay. But I need the Bat Cave open. It has my Bat computers that help me profile and fight crime.

With the Bat Cave shut down Batman has temporarily transferred his base of operations to office space he is renting on Main street.

It’s just not the same.  I have no privacy. I only have a cubicle mind you and the computers here are all Apple and they won’t run my crime fighting software. And the mayor wonders why crime is rising. I”ll tell you why. Private citizens like me are being harassed. I bet this is all because I didn’t vote for him.

Batman then took an elevator down to the street to smoke.

“I can’t even smoke in the building which I could do in the Bat Cave. Now whenever I smoke tourists point to me and say “Hey, it’s smoking Batman.” I tell you I haven’t been this embarrassed since the Bat Cave’s computers crashed during the Windows 10 upgrade.”


Manhattan Infidel Examines the Barack Obama Post-Presidency: The First Weekend

Obama as an ex-president. Or maybe this photo was taken during his presidency. It's hard to tell.

Obama as an ex-president. Or maybe this photo was taken during his presidency. It’s hard to tell.

For my first post of the post-Barack Obama era I have decided to examine Barack Obama’s weekend out of office. Specifically its legacy. What can America learn from Barack Obama’s post-presidency?

To help me make sense of the Obama post-presidency legacy I was able to obtain a copy of  the former president’s diary plus Secret Services logs which I now share with my readers reader those who reached this site accidentally while looking for porn.

Friday January 20th, 12 hundred hours

  • President Obama’s diary

I’m being kicked out of my house, as the white Christian has often done to peoples of color. Lots of people here. Ha!  Bill Clinton was caught by Hillary checking out Ivanka Trump. Idiot. It’s all about peripheral vision. Using my peripheral vision skills no one will notice me checking out Trump’s adult sons.

  • Secret Service logs

President Obama (code name “Mom Jeans”) set to leave office. Many of us have long waited for this day as Mom Jeans tends to pout when he doesn’t get his way. Also, agents are tired of coming up with ways of hiding President from First Lady.

Friday January 20th 13 hundred hours

  • President Obama’s diary

This is soooo cool! They are taking me on a helicopter ride around Washington. I like helicopters. When I grow up I want to be a pilot. I hope I don’t get airsick. Oh god I’m getting airsick!

  • Secret Service logs

Mom Jeans just puked all over me. Goddammit this is a new suit! I had better be able to write it off. Someone open a window the entire helicopter smells like vomit.

Friday January 20th 17 hundred hours

  • President Obama’s diary

The nice Secret Service agent told me we were in Florida. Disney world?  No. Not Disney world. Damn. Disney World has a nice golf course. I wonder if they have golf course here?  It’s getting dark. I’m afraid of the dark. I’ll golf tomorrow. Did the Secret Service pack my PJs?

  • Secret Service logs

Had to inform Mom Jeans of Florida’s strict drug laws and flushed his stash down the toilet. Also had to buy PJs for President as we forgot to pack his favorite Dora the Explorer pajamas.

Saturday January 21st All Day

  • President Obama’s diary

Whoo hoo!  I get to play golf all day! This is so much different then when I was President. Okay, maybe not too much. I could play golf all day then too but sometimes I had to go to ESPN and give my NCAA bracket picks.

  • Secret Service logs

Mom jeans set to play golf all day. Easy assignment. Except when he finishes and goes back to the clubhouse we have to watch him shower. He enjoys this. Must talk to my union rep.

Sunday January 22nd All Day

  • President Obama’s diary

Whoo hoo. I get to play golf. Again! Golf is fun and no stupid Republicans are being mean to me. I don’t think the Secret Service likes to watch me shower. They must be Republicans too!

  • Secret Service logs

Mom Jeans was taking a shower when one of the maids came into the locker room to change the towels. He got all embarrassed and started shouting “I was in the pool!  I was in the pool!” Shrinkage.  Sometimes it does make our job worth it.

So what have we learned?  What is the legacy of Barack Obama’s post-presidency? I don’t know I’m just a blogger. I’ll leave interpretations to the geniuses at MSNBC and CNN.



Vulcan High Council Approves Changes to Pon Farr!

The challenge shall now take on a new form.

The challenge shall now take on a new form.

The High Council of the Planet Vulcan, responding to complaints that the Vulcan mating ritual known as the “Pon Farr” is becoming increasingly irrelevant to younger Vulcans has approved historic changes in the ceremony.

“The Pon Farr is the bedrock of Vulcan Society” said a High Council member.

It is the summit through with all Vulcan power flows.  But let’s face it. The ceremony was outdated and in need of change. The younger generation had stopped Pon Farr-ing. They considered it old fashioned. They just wanted sex, drugs and rock and roll. To tell you the truth I could see the logical appeal to that lifestyle. But it is disastrous in the long run. It is hoped these changes will make the Pon Farr more relevant to younger Vulcans and increase attendance at all Pon Farr ceremonies.

The first change will be the “Challenge.”  All Vulcan brides-to-be had to right to have their mate fight for her. These fights were to the death. However many young Vulcans refused to fight.

The kids didn’t want to do it. Plus, let’s be honest. We have an obesity epidemic on Vulcan and a lot of the kids were just to fat to fight. So now if she chooses the challenge the men will play the old Earth board game of Battleship. It’s game of logic, which is good for Vulcans and it’s a game of strategy which will help young Vulcans hone their military skills.

The Pon Farr outfits will also be updated.

The old outfits come to us from the time of the beginning. But the kids thought they looked goofy. Plus the guy stuck wearing the big black thing over his face

I can't breathe with this thing on!

I can’t breathe with this thing on!

was always complaining that he couldn’t breathe. So now they will wear regular Vulcan street clothes. I know not as dramatic but we have to adapt to the times.

And finally the music will be changed.

We’re getting rid of the guys with the shaky bell things.

Those bells! Such unwelcome noise.

Those bells! Such unwelcome noise.

Even I didn’t like them. They served no logical purpose and all the bells did was make the combatants nervous. And if there is to be a fight to the death we want it to be a relaxed one. So musically we’re going in a new direction. We tried getting Paul McCartney and Wings but I understand they have broken up. So instead music for the Pon Farr will be provided by Paul Anka, who has graciously agreed to sing “Having My Baby.” I think the kids will be able to relate to Paul. He’s young. He’s hip. His choice of hats is flawlessly logical.

The new regulations go into effect with the next Pon Farr mating season in Spring.

“We think the new ceremony will knock the kids’ socks off.”
