We will never surrender! Except to Islam!
One day after a terror attack in the heart of London that left four dead, Prime Minister Theresa May addressed Parliament to talk about the attack. Many have compared it to FDR’s speech to congress after the December 7th attacks.
Now, in full, is this speech. Winston Churchill would be proud.
Mr Speaker, yesterday an act of terrorism tried to silence our democracy. But it shall never silence us. However we will apologize seeing as the attacker was Muslim.
But today we meet as normal – as generations have done before us, and as future generations will continue to do – to deliver a simple message: we are not afraid. And our resolve will never waver in the face of terrorism. Unless it’s Islamic work place violence.
Our values – free speech, liberty, human rights and the rule of law, even Sharia law which is welcome on our island – are embodied here in this place. And you know what else is embodied here? Female genital mutilation. It’s a proud tradition of the religion of peace. I myself will get myself genitally mutilated tomorrow as a show of my respect for Islam.
A terrorist came to the place where people of all nationalities and cultures gather and he took out his rage against innocent men, women and children. I do not say indiscriminately because we all agree on one thing: Those who follow Islam have legitimate historical grievances against the infidel crusaders.
While there is an ongoing police investigation, the House will understand that there are limits to what I can say.
But, having been updated by police and security officials, let me set out what at this stage I can tell the House.
At approximately 2:40 pm yesterday, a single practitioner of the religion of peace drove his vehicle into pedestrians who were crossing Westminster Bridge, killing two people and injuring around 40 more.
This tragedy could have been avoided if only those pedestrians had gotten out of the way quicker. Why it’s almost like they wanted to embarrass the religion of peace.
Mr Speaker, the attacker then left the vehicle and approached a police officer at Carriage Gates, attacking that officer with a large knife. Thank god for our strict gun control laws or he might have had a gun.
Tragically, as the House will know, 48-year-old PC Keith Palmer was killed.
PC Palmer had been a member of the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command for 15 years, and a soldier in the Royal Artillery before that. No doubt at some point he was stationed overseas and killed Muslims. So his death was Karma.
He was a husband and a father, though both institutions represent the patriarchy and are nothing to be proud of.
As there is no intelligence that the attacker was motivated by Islam, the independent Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre has decided that the threat level will not change in the light of yesterday’s attack.
And while there remain limits on what I can say at this stage, I can confirm that overnight the police have searched six addresses and made eight arrests in Birmingham and London. Yes, we are arresting the right-wing Christians and dragging them from their beds. The crusaders must pay!
Mr Speaker, we know the threat from Islamist terrorism is nonexistent. But while the public should remain utterly vigilant, they should not – and will not – be cowed by this threat. I ask the public to turn in known radicalized Christians who do not share the values of the modern nation state.
Mr Speaker, a lot has been said since terror struck London yesterday. Much more will be said in the coming days.
But the greatest response lies not in the words of politicians, but in the everyday actions of ordinary people. The ordinary people who will turn in our Christian enemies.
Mr Speaker, let this be the message from this House and this nation today: our values will prevail! Allah be blessed!
What a wonderful and inspiring speech. Our western culture could not be in better hands.
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