What did Putin know and when did he know it?
Capitol Hill Democrats, led by Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi, have demanded that President Trump appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Vladimir Putin’s ties to Russia.
“It’s important that we know the answer to these questions” said Franken (D-MN).
Putin has often met with the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Why? What were they discussing? Our presidential election? Their presidential election? Was Putin trying to influence Russian politics? Why can’t he just stay out of it. We have reports that he often meets with Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. What is Putin doing meeting with these two people? How deep do his ties to Russia go?
Pelosi seconded Franken’s sentiments.
“We are facing a constitutional crisis” she said.
The evidence seems clear that Vladimir Putin has ties to Russia. He has often been seen in Russia. He speaks Russian. The question to be asked is, “How much does President Trump know about Putin’s ties to Russia and when did he first become aware of these ties?” After losing the popular vote in November it is rumored that Trump took a phone call from Putin. Do we want our President, albeit an illegitimate one such as Trump, taking phone calls from a shadowy figure like Putin who may be acting on behalf of Russian interests? This is why we need a special prosecutor to investigate this Putin. We have to appoint a special prosecutor so we can find out what the special prosecutor will discover.
On CNN, anchor Wolf Blitzer called the Putin-Russian ties “an even bigger scandal than Watergate.”
Here’s what we know about this increasingly murky and groundbreaking scandal:
- The Department of Justice, after months of investigations has concluded that Putin has deep ties to Russia.
- The Department believes that Putin often used his ties to influence events in Russia.
- There have been a number of meetings between Putin and higher ups in the Russian government. As to what purpose we do not know at this point but it is not unreasonable to think that Putin wasn’t discussing the weather.
- All this adds up to one fact: Putin cannot be trusted and is lying about his ties to Russia.
Putin for his part refuses to talk about any possible ties he may have with the Russian government.
“This is a witch hunt on the part of the Americans” he told reporters.
All the Americans have to do is look at the evidence which speaks for itself. Come on is that so difficult. And even if I did meet with Russian officials I am Russian. I’m the president of Russia!
Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called Putin’s statement “tantamount to a confession” and repeated demands that Trump appoint a special prosecutor.
President Trump responded by saying once again that he has no plans on investigating Putin.
“Isn’t that what we’d expect from the man who lost to Hillary Clinton” said Pelosi.
This is weird, a witch hunt that’s being led by witches.
Speaking of which, what’s Huma up to these days,apart from being a djinn?