Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inducts Jeremy Gelbwaks

Jeremy Gelbwaks, AKA the original Partridge Family drummerThe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland has inducted Jeremy Gelbwaks, best known as the original drummer for the Partridge Family before his controversial firing and replacement by Brian Forster.

When making the announcement the Hall of Fame said that Gelbwaks was “an example of the original values of the Partridge Family – the spirit of the ’60s” and that “Gelbwaks’ mean, moody magnificence and steady bass drum were the Partridge Family sound.”

When informed of his nomination, an obviously moved Gelwaks told reporters “this is the best thing that has happened to me in 38 years” and that “finally I am getting the recognition I deserve.  I mean it hasn’t been easy for me watching my former band members go on to fame and fortune while I got a job in the computer industry.  But  now maybe I can start my career up again and become the drummer I know I can be.”

Jeremy went on to relate the circumstances surrounding his firing.

“The Partridge Family came to me first.  They were going on tour in New Hamburg, New York and as usual they didn’t have a drummer.  So they asked me.  I was the drummer for two years in New Hamburg. Do you want to hear my favorite story of those wild days?  I found these condoms.  Now keep in mind I’m only eight.  I didn’t know what a condom was.  I thought it was a balloon so I kept filling them up with water and dropping them out the window on people.  The sheriff didn’t like that and told me and David Cassidy to leave town.”

The original and many say best lineup (Jeremy Gelbwaks back row left)

“So for two years I was their drummer.  I never heard a complaint from them though I was aware that Bonaduce didn’t like me.  Then one day I get a call from our manager (Reuben Kincade).  He calls me into his  office and says ‘I have bad news.  The band wants you out and Brian (Forster) in.’  I was stunned.  To this day I  have never been given an explanation.  Was it because I wouldn’t adopt the Partridge Family hairstyle?  It can’t be because they think Brian is a better drummer.  I know it can’t be that.”

The Partridge Family with replacement drummer Brian Forster (front row left)

After his firing a depressed Gelbwaks attempted to commit suicide by sticking his head in an Easy Bake oven.

“My mother stopped me and spanked me.  Believe me I learned my lesson.”

Gelbwaks now hopes to get a band together and go on tour.

“I’m going to show the world that Jeremy Gelbwaks is a great drummer.  Just don’t ask me to keep time.”

When asked what he would say to the members of the Partridge Family if he met them today Gelbwaks said, “You know, all that happened almost 40 years ago.  Life is too short to hold grudges.  Except for Bonaduce.  If I meet that a–hole there’s going to be a fight.”


One Response

  1. jerry s says:

    I still remember the episode where they actually wrote in a replacement drummer into the story line. Someone in the family had asked if some other guy could sit in as drummer and Jeremy just rolled his eyes and said “Yeah, sure, whatever…” For some reason I cant find the episode on the Partridge family website. I always suspected that that something weird was going on when he was replaced by the personality void, wooden blond kid.

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