Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Today, March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. Here in New York City the big event is the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade up Fifth Avenue. (Former governor Hugh Carey once famously remarked that they “march up 5th and stagger down 3rd.”)
The New York City St. Patrick’s Day parade is not only the largest in the world but the oldest civilian parade in the world. Politicians are expected to march in it.
The current mayor of New York City, Warren Wilhelm, Jr. (known by his stage name of Bill de Blasio) has refused to march in the parade.
The last mayor of New York not to march in the parade was David “Crack Epidemic” Dinkins (pictured here),
a famously ineffective one-term mayor. During Dinkin’s reign of error, when the murder rate was skyrocketing and the city became the crack capitol of the world Dinkins fiddled while New York burned. He was promptly defeated and returned to private life, a station he was well-suited for.
And now Mayor Wilhelm, Jr. wants to follow in Dinkins’ footsteps.
The same Mayor Wilhelm, Jr. who even before he was sworn into office vowed to close the horse and carriage trade.
The same Mayor Wilhelm, Jr. who couldn’t get the upper east side plowed during a blizzard.
The same Mayor Wilhelm, Jr. who kept schools open during a blizzard.
The same Mayor Wilhelm, Jr. who has vowed to close successful charter schools where children actually thrive and learn. (Why does Warren Wilhem, Jr., hate children of color?)
Yes. This mayor.
It seems that less than three months into his term Wilhelm, Jr. has combined the clueless incompetence of Jimmy Carter with the arrogant incompetence of Barack Hussein Obama.
Mayor Wilhelm Jr. will not march because a gay group has been denied a permit to march in the parade.
Will Wilhelm, Jr. skip the Martin Luther King Jr. day parade? No gay group is marching in that parade.
Will Wilhelm, Jr. skip the Columbus Day parade? No gay group is marching in that parade either.
I have a feeling that Wilhelm, Jr, like his famously incompetent predecessor Dinkins will march in both parades.
Why the double standard?
Could it possibly be animus against the Irish? It seems that prejudice against Catholics and the Irish is the last remaining respectable prejudice. And as a respectable prejudice our elite of course are prone to it.
Yes it seems once again it is time to shit all over the Irish. Conquered by the English. Subject to oppressive penal laws instituted by their English masters, the Irish emigrated to America where, they thought, they could live in freedom.
There is a phrase: Irish Alzheimers, which means the Irish forget everything. Except grudges. After being shit on by the British for 700 years we will never let anyone shit on us again.
So don’t march in the parade. Enjoy your one term in office. We Irish will march over you and piss on your grave every anniversary of your death.
I could close this post by calling Mayor Wilhelm Jr. an arrogant clown. A jackass. A putrid fester on the body politic. A puss-filled scab. The answer to a trivia question in ten years. A braying, cloven-footed beast. A whore who was known as “Sloppy seconds Wilhelm” in school.
But I won’t. Instead I will close with a definition.
Full Dinkins
- The act of supreme incompetence and stupidity.
- An insult, usually hurled at a a politician. (See Bill de Blasio.)
- The act of having one’s head up one’s ass.
- The act of being so unbelievably stupid that the entire world stops to take notice and thanks itself that they haven’t gone Full Dinkins.
Mayor Wilhelm, Jr., you went full Dinkins, man. Never go full Dinkins.
The Irish don’t get mad. They get even!
It’s understandable that a mayor with a pygmy wife refuses to march in a Euro-ethnic parade that prohibits men from marching under a banner proclaiming they like having a another man’s pee pee inserted between their buttocks and penetrating their anus. Bully for you Billy D.