German Home-Schoolers Denied Asylum! Correction: Hispanic-German Home-Schoolers Granted Asylum!

Ve are Hispanic. Ya!

Ve are Hispanic. Ya!

After first denying a German family asylum the Supreme Court today reversed itself and immediately granted asylum to the same family after discovering that the German family in question was part Hispanic.

Ewe and Hannelore Romeike, immigrants from southwest Germany came to the U.S. in 2008 because they wanted to home-school their children.  Under German law they risked having the state take their six children away.

The Court decided that the ban on home-schooling did not constitute persecution and thus could not be used as a basis for granting asylum into the United States.

As the disappointed German family was packing its belongings in anticipation of their imminent deportation, word came down that the Supreme Court had reversed themselves and granted the family asylum.

When asked why they had changed their minds the Chief Justice John Roberts said:

The evidence was clear.  Being denied home-schooling is not enough to grant asylum.  But after we reached our decision new evidence came to light.  Their lawyer informed us that the Romeike’s were in fact Hispanic.  This is a game changer, frankly.  Like all compassionate people the court favors compassionate immigration reform. And once we were told that they were peoples of color we were more than happy to grant asylum.  We feel that this is the only compassionate thing to do. We welcome the Romeike’s to America and wish this Hispanic family nothing but happiness and many years of voting Democratic.  I don’t know what part of Hispanica they are from, I think the part called “Little Germany”, but wherever they are from we welcome them.

When told that they would not be deported the Romeike’s broke out a traditional Hispanic meal of Bratwurst and beer to celebrate.

“Hispanic? Ja, wir sind Spanier” said the relieved Hispanic-German patriarch.

From the White House President Obama praised the compassion of the Supreme Court.

I am happy to welcome the Romeikes.  I look forward to meeting them and practicing my Spanish with them. Michelle is always poking fun at me for my faulty Spanish.  

After finishing their celebratory bratwurst and beer the Romeikes thanked President Obama and raised the flag of Hispanica

The flag of Hispanica

The flag of Hispanica

on their lawn.

“Wir sind stolz, Hispanics!” said the father.



One Response

  1. Petermc3 says:

    Immeadiately thereafter heir Romeikes was appointed grand Marshall at this years Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City.

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