The Haiku of Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik

He’s not just a sheriff!  He’s a performance artist!If it is possible for anything good to come out of the tragic shooting in Arizona it is the emergence of Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik.  Not only is he a charismatic law enforcement officer that will not enforce Arizona’s immigration laws, it also turns out he is a talented poet and performance artist who uses his public appearances to express his art.

We here at the World Wide Headquarters of Manhattan Infidel are always excited whenever a brilliant new artist appears upon the scene.  We’d like to take this opportunity (before the Feds shut down this “rhetorically charged, hate-filled” blog) to feature the works of this brilliant, ironic, satirical artist/sheriff.

Perhaps his best known work is one entitled, “Cognitive Dissonance“:

I will not enforce this State’s racist immigration laws

Mexicans mow my lawn

Rush Limbaugh is responsible

He followed this up with another critically acclaimed piece of Haiku called “Law?”:

The Law?  It’s just irresponsible.

Our jails will be filled in a day.

Out in the fields

I fight for my meals

I put my back into my living.

I have a Mexican cook.

Another moving poem (that has been nominated for a Pulitzer) is called “I’m a Democrat”

I miss the country I grew up in.

Negroes not allowed to vote.

It is all Sara Palin’s fault.

His most famous work is called “The Left Side”:

The hatred, the anger, the bigotry that goes on

In this country is 


If you disagree with me you are a racist.

As for what is next for Sheriff Dupnik, sources close to him say that he plans to use his recent publicity to go on a tour of the United States, where he will read his works while in his pajamas and reclining in bed, with his wife next to him and posters that say “Hair=Peace” and “Bed=Peace” behind him.

Ultimately, Sheriff Dupnik plans to end his tour in Greenwich Village in New York City where he hopes to hang out in coffee shops, wearing a beret, sipping cappuccino and talking to like-minded artists.

“I want to be known as a thinking man’s sheriff/poet/performance artist.  And please tone down your inflammatory rhetoric.”



7 Responses

  1. The Jungers says:

    Rose’s are red
    Violets are blue
    Democrats blow
    And so do you

  2. Manhattan Infidel says:

    TJ: Such senseless hate-filled rhetorically charged rhetoric!! I have you in my crosshairs now!

  3. innominatus says:

    Apes in grottoes stomp figs

    Rightwing hate spills bongwater

    A teenage wasteland.

  4. Manhattan Infidel says:

    Wow. I dare any blogger to say that their readership is more poetic than mine!!!

  5. MK says:

    New york, somehow i thought he’d end up in san fran sipping soy chai lattes with nancy.

  6. Karen Howes says:

    Well, at least Douchenik’s poetry is better than his poice work skills. Let me be the first to suggest a career change for him.

  7. Manhattan Infidel says:

    MK: That is a possiblity.

    KH: I’d like to suggest a career change for him – retirement.

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