Murder In Bedrock (Part VI): Strange Evidence Introduced

Fred Flinstone at workWith the double murder trial of Bedrock resident Fred Flintstone now dragging on into its 3rd month tempers flared, lawyers were held in contempt and surprising new evidence was introduced.

The week started off with the judge and the prosecution getting into a shouting match that led to a contempt citation.  When the prosecution tried to introduce evidence that showed that murder rates are higher in neanderthal than cro-magnon neighborhoods the defense objected.

“I object your honor to the obvious racism of the prosecution.”

This caused the prosecution to call the defense team a “bunch of neanderthal trash” resulting in the defense lunging at the prosecution.  Blows were exchanged and order was not restored until the court officers maced both defense and prosecution.

Defendant Flintstone laughed and said “I should have used mace instead of a shotgun”.   The trial was put on hold as the judge interviewed each member of the jury whether they heard Flintstone’s comments.

The week ended with the defense attempting to introduce used condoms found in the Rubble residence.

“There was another man in the house that night besides the murder victim Rubble and the defendant Flintstone.  These condoms prove it since they do not fit my client.  Ladies and gentleman of the jury, if the condom doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

With judge, jury, spectators and press watching with rapt attention, the defendant Flintstone was forced to put on the condoms.  Women spectators squealed in delight with several fainting while others asked if they could take the evidence home.  Flintstone himself did not appear embarrassed shouting “get a good look ladies – I’m gonna be acquited and then you can all have me.”

Flintstone’s  wheelchair bound ex-wife Wilma, the lone survivor of the shooting that left her lovers Barney and Betty Rubble dead shook her head in disgust.

“That’s just like Fred. Always wanting attention.”

The trial will continue next week with both sides set for closing arguments.

(To be continued)


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