The Democratic National Committee today unveiled its new slogan: Strength Through Crippling Debt.
National Chairperson Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia announced the new slogan at a meeting of party faithful. “This slogan represents all the hope and change that we Democrats are famous for.”
Party members applauded the new slogan, the result of a nation-wide poll.
“Strength Through Crippling Debt” came in first beating out at no. 2, “Did you like ‘Twilight?’ Vampires are Democrats”, and at no. 3 “Six out of Ten Governors who keep their pants on are Democrats”.
The full list of considered slogans is as follows:
1. “Secession free for 149 years”
2. “Soft on Communism, Hard on Arteriosclerosis”
3. “Buttocks Buttocks Buttocks!”
4. “The Party of Manson Family Values”
5. “Book ’em Danno”
6. “Does This Look Infected?”
7. “I’m OK and probably went to a better school than you did”
8. “Absolutely no mafia connections”
9. “We hate Romulans just as much as middle America does”
10. “The party of the common man and Hollywood royalty”
11. “Dad’s gonna be pissed when he sees what I did to the car”
12. “I kissed a girl and I liked it”
13. “George Lazenby is still by far the best James Bond”
14. “Shakespeare was a black man!”
15. “Megan Fox if you’re listening we hate Decepticons too!”
After the new slogan was announced, Kaine ordered the lights lowered in the hall as all the party faithful joined in a sing-along of “Kumbaya.”
No word on whether the Republicans would counter with a new slogan of their own though rumor has it they have already chosen “We got Tom Selleck and Rick Schroder so right back at you.”
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