A Special Message From the Portland, Oregon Chamber of Commerce!



I am often asked if I could turn over the pages of Manhattan Infidel to guest bloggers. My response is always the same:  I have three readers. Pay me and knock yourself out.

And so today I have the pleasure of handing over Manhattan Infidel to the Portland, Oregon Chamber of Commerce.  Take it away!

Thank you Manhattan Infidel.

Are your many readers thinking of a good vacation spot? Or perhaps a city to relocate. Well look no further.

Portland Oregon is uniquely poised to be the up-and-coming city of the 21st century. We are the 26th most populous city in the United States.  And our relatively low cost of living, interstates, marine terminals and intercontinental railroads all provide an economic edge.

Portland is a progressive city and we pride ourselves on our tolerance and diversity.

Tolerance of many different opinions, assuming all opinions are progressive.

You may have seen images of rioting in our beloved city. This is just our populace making its voice heard. Donald Trump has been elected. A college-educated, progressive city such as ours cannot and will not tolerate a free and fair election of a non-progressive. Leave that to the uneducated red necks of the inland states. That is why Oregon will  join California and Washington and secede from this racist, non-progressive nation.

Diversity. Did you know that while our population is 76 percent white, those white people come from all over Northern Europe. We have white people from England, white people from Scotland, white people from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. White people from the Netherlands. White people from Switzerland. We even have white people from France and Spain! (Even though their white bona fides are questionable.) You see, we have a melting pot of white diversity!

But not to worry. We also have non-white races represented (and not just the Irish!) Seven percent of our population are progressive, college educated Asians. Six percent of our population is black. Many are not college educated but they are welcome anyway as long as they stay in public housing built just for them.

Portland also proudly believes in freedom.  As such we have been voted theLeast religious city in the United States.”  Why over 42 percent of our residents are non-affiliated with any superstitious religion. We in Portland have no time for superstition. We are college educated and as such worship only the State.

Portland also is LGBT tolerant. We are second only to San Francisco in LGBT population. Our LGBTs add to our city’s diversity. And, of course, they are college-educated and progressive.

So come to Portland. Vacation. Do business. Make it your home.

Portland. We are a free expression city and are rioting tolerant. As long as the rioters are progressive and college educated.

Well I’m sold. I’m moving to Portland!



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