The Beatles. The most successful recording act of all time. Everyone knows them. John, Paul, George and Ringo. But perhaps what some don’t know is that they had a drummer before Ringo – Pete Best. From 1960 to 1962 Pete was the Beatles drummer during their formative years only to be fired on the cusp of superstardom. As part of my continuing series of interviews with celebrities I tracked down Mr. Best who was gracious enough to grant an interview.
MI: Thank you for agreeing to this interview.
Pete Best: I’m always happy to meet with my fans.
MI: I’m not a fan. I’m a journalist.
Pete Best: Like I said I’m always happy to meet with my fans. Do you have any sandwiches or cookies on you? I haven’t eaten in a couple days.
MI: Let’s talk about the Beatles. You were with them for two years. And then you were fired. Why?
Pete Best: I don’t know. I was never given an explanation. Some say it was because I refused to adopt a Beatle haircut. Others because I kept insisting the Beatles should become a marching band. Others think I was fired because of the time I got drunk and ran over John’s mother in my car. All I know is that Brian Epstein called me into his office and said “Pete – the boys want you out and Ringo in. Will you sleep with me?”
MI: What did you do after the Beatles?
Pete Best: I formed my own band – the Pete Best Combo. We moved to America and toured the country.
MI: Any success?
Pete Best: Well we were just starting to have success when they fired me.
MI: Why?
Pete Best: I was never given an explanation. Some say it was because I refused to adopt the Pete Best Combo haircut.
MI: What did you do after that?
Pete Best: I was hired by NASA. I was part of the original Apollo 11 crew but two days before liftoff I was fired.
MI: Tough break. Why?
Pete Best: Neil Armstrong said it was because Buzz Aldrin was a better drummer. Others say it was because I refused to adopt the NASA haircut.
MI: And after that?
Pete Best: I was hired as a metronome. It was a good gig but they fired me because they said I couldn’t keep a steady beat.
MI: This was the low point of your life. You attempted suicide after that by putting your head in an oven.
Pete Best: Yes. A painful memory. Unfortunately it was an electric oven. I ended up burning most of my face off.
MI: What happened after that?
Pete Best: I was hired as Chief of Security for the Watergate Hotel in Washington D.C. But after the break-in I was fired. I don’t know why though my boss told me it was because G. Gordon Liddy was a better drummer and because I refused to adopt the Watergate Hotel haircut.
MI: Switching tracks – have you heard from any of the other Beatles over the years?
Pete Best: Ringo called me up one New Year’s Eve. He sounded drunk. He kept playing the drums and telling me “That’s how it’s done!” Then he kept taunting me, saying that he’s seen Catherine Bach naked.
MI: But he’s married to Barbara Bach.
Pete Best: You mean he’s seen her naked too? Oh man, now I really hate Ringo.
MI: I see you’ve finally adopted a Beatle haircut.
Pete Best: Hey! Hey! It’s not a Beatle haircut. It’s a Justin Bieber haircut.
MI: What are you doing now?
Pete Best: I work for the Department of Sanitation in New York City. I’m responsible for snow removal after blizzards.
MI: Oh, so you’re the person responsible for not plowing any side streets this week.
Pete Best: Hold on, my blackberry is buzzing. Hey, I’m getting an email from Mayor Bloomberg…….What the…..oh come on!
MI: What?
Pete Best: I’ve just been fired. And replaced by Ringo.
MI: That’s tough. Any explanation?
Pete Best: He says it’s because Ringo is better at snow removal and because I refused to adopt a Department of Sanitation haircut.
MI: Okay. Well once again thanks for meeting with me.
Pete Best: My pleasure. But seriously. Do you have any food on you? I haven’t eaten in days.
Pete ‘Second’ Best.
Did you at least give the man a saltine?
CRS: I gave him nothing. No saltines for losers.
“Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don’t come easy.”
Ringo wrote that just to piss off Pete.
BTW, my real first name is “John” and my last name rhymes with “Bonham” and I seriously doubt if any of you can match that level of coolness.
Damn Inn: And all this time I thought your last name rhymed with “Moon.”
Poor Pete! Yeah, the forgotten Beatle…
Happy New Year, Infidel!
Thank you KH: Have a great New Year!
Actually the forgotten Beatle is Zeppo Marx.