The Ku Klux Klan announced today that it has bought property next to the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, which it bombed in 1963 to build a 13-story “cross of bridge-building.”
The projected cross has generated intense partisan controversy. Many opponents say that building the cross so close to the site of the bombing would be insensitive to the memory of the victims of the attack.
“I can’t believe they would even think of doing this” said a local black pastor. “Are they crazy? This isn’t about building bridges. They want to put a cross up at the site of one of their victories.”
However, the Grand Dragon of the local Klan disputes this and argues that those who oppose the cross are violating cherished American principles.
Whatever happened to freedom of religion in this country? I thought we were guaranteed that. The people who oppose this cross are ignorant. And they are racists. Where is the funding to the opposition of the cross coming from? Can anyone tell me that? They should be investigated. The right-wing Republicans are behind it I bet. This is not a cross of victory. It’ll be an outreach center. We’ll have books on the Klan, water fountains for hot days (separate white and colored of course), pamphlets warning of the dangers of miscegenation and a shooting range.
Despite the Klan’s appeal to reason and American values opposition to the cross has grown among the intolerant. Protesters took to the street carrying signs denouncing the proposed 13-story cross.
As tensioned escalated the Governor of Alabama suggested that the Klan move their cross to a different location, out of respect for the feelings of others.
“No one is denying the Klan the important bedrock American right to freedom of religion. But perhaps a different location would help diffuse tension.”
The Mayor of Birmingham entered the fray on the side of the Klan.
“That we should even be debating this is ridiculous. Some people just need to shut up.”
Meanwhile the Grand Dragon reiterated his reasons for building the cross.
“Life is all about building bridges” he said before leaving on a fund-raising tour.
That one hits very close to the bone, man.
Nice work.
Nice, Infidel– really puts this in perspective, doesn’t it?
This will make lib heads explode. Too much reality-even the kool aid can only distort so much reality.