Pepe Le Pew Hit With Sexual Harrasment Lawsuit

French skunk and serial womanizer Pepe Le PewFamous French skunk Pepe Le Pew has been sued.  The plaintiff, Penelope Pussycat filed the lawsuit in District Court today.  The National Organization for Women has filed an amicus curiae brief regarding this case.

According to those familiar with the case, Penelope Pussycat had previously filed a restraining order against Le Pew banning him from getting within 50 yards of her.  Le Pew reportedly violated this order on numerous occasions.

“My client, Miss Pussycat, is unable to sleep at night because of Mr. Le Pew’s actions.  He will not leave her alone and sends her emails and voicemails to her home and place of work.  She is on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of the actions of this obsessed and deranged Frenchman” declared her lawyer.

Mr. Le Pew for his part seems to be honestly surprised and hurt by the lawsuit.

“Sacre maroon!  I am ze locksmith of love, no?  Penelope she loves me.  It is love at first sight is it not, no?”

The last time Mr. Le Pew violated the restraining order he showed up at her office demanding to see her.   He grabbed her and called her his “sweet peanut of brittle” as well as kissing her and exclaiming “Come to me, my little melon-baby collie.”  Fortunately for Miss Pussycat her coworkers at no little risk to themselves were able to remove her from his grip, though several were overcome by the fumes.

“This Le Pew guy stinks.  I mean he really stinks!  Well, he is French” said a coworker.

The National Organization for Women (NOW) in its amicus curiae brief mentions that Pepe Le Pew is “…a sad and typical example of what women go through in this country.  Many women can relate to Penelope Pussycat and her struggles against a serial rapist – and let’s make no mistake – that is what Le Pew is – a rapist…………many men feel that their testicles give them a right to dominate women.  They are overcompensating for their bed wetting and latent man love.”

Lawyers for Mr. Le Pew maintain their client’s innocence.

“Mr. Le Pew looks forward to exonerating himself.  He is a good man.  A good Frenchman.  A good skunk with a big heart.  His only crime is perhaps looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces, searching their eyes and looking for traces of what he’s dreaming of.”

Mr. Le Pew’s lawyers are also trying to stop a video of their client in a deodorant factory dousing himself with perfume to disguise his odor from being shown on Youtube.


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