Yankees Win Again; Blogger Watches His Double Go 0 -3

Yankees celebrate another meaningless winComing off a 15 – 0 public spanking of the other team that plays within the confines of the 5 boroughs the Yankees (aka “The Forces of Truth and Justice”) welcomed the Washington Nationals for a 3 game set.  Now why Washington ever got a 3rd franchise I’ll never know.  The original Washington Senators moved to Minnesota in 1961.  The expansion replacement Washington Senators lasted less than a decade before moving to Texas in 1972.  The 3rd franchise ditched the name Senators (a noble profession in all but New York State apparently) and became the Nats.  But I digress.  On to the game.

The Yankees brought to the mound their big man (literally and figuratively) CC Sabathia  (5-4 3.67 ERA ) while the Nats countered with Shairon Martis (Who?  Who?  5-1 5.04 ERA.)  For the Yankees the man of the game offensively was Robinson Cano who went 4-4.  Defensively it was his BFF Melky Cabrera who stopped a Nat rally with an acrobatic dive in center field.

The Yankees got on the board first in the bottom of the 2nd.  After singles by Robinson Cano and Jorge “still an angry Spanish man” Posada Cano reached 3rd on a fielder’s choice and later scored on a Melky “I love Robinson Cano” sac fly. In the bottom of the 3rd an error by Nats 3rd baseman Ryan Zimmeran allowed  Johnny Damon to reach 2nd.  He later scored on a Cano single.  2- 0 Yanks after 3.

Sabathia was his usual dominating self except for the 5th inning.  After allowing singles to Gonzalez and Nieves he gave up a 3 run home run to 2nd baseman Anderson Hernandez.  3 -2 Nats after 5.  At this point a palpable unease settled over the bleachers.  Could the Yankees for the 2nd time in 3 games lose to an unknown pitcher after Fernando Nieve stymied the Yanks on Saturday?  Fortunately for Yankee fans, soon to be fired Nats manager Manny Acta brought in Ron Villone in relief in the 7th.  And Villone proved as effective for the Nats as he was for the Yankees giving up 2 runs in the 7th inning thanks to doubles by Mark Teixeira and Robinson Cano.  4 -3 Yankees after 7.  The Yankees scored an insurance run in the bottom of the 8th as Brian “KROD can kiss my ass” Bruney and Mariano Rivera pitched scoreless relief.  The only sour note for the Yankees was when Derek Jeter (who this blogger met the day before at the AMC movie theatre on 2nd avenue and 30th) had to leave in the 7th with tightness in his left ankle. (More bony supermodel sex apparently.)  I also watched my double Nick Johnson of the Nats  Nick Johnson, baseball player and blogger’s double  go 0 -3 with a walk.

Notes on the game:

Once again, lots of Met fans walking around the park.  Maybe ready to convert?

The Yankees in an odd architectural touch decided to let grass grow on top of the wall in front of the bleachers.  Unfortunately no one realized that grass has a tendency to grow. It is now almost reaches eye level.  Perhaps the Yankees just wanted to reinforce public perception of bleacher creatures as wild animals.  I did  feel at times like I was perched in the grass waiting to strike a graceful gazelle.  Actually since it was the Yankee outfield of Damon and Swisher it was more like waiting to pounce on a lumbering elephant or rhino.

Best heckle of the game:  After CC Sabathia gave up the 3 run home run that briefly put the worst team in baseball ahead I shouted “CC, get the next man out or I’m taking away your twinkies!”  The next man up, Cristian Guzman, grounded out 1 -3.  Sometimes, when dealing with a 290 pound man like Sabathia it helps to hit them where it hurts – the possible denial of delicious cream-filled chocolate treats.

Once again the roll call witnessed the competition between outfielders.  Johnny Damon gets down on one knee and points to the bleacher creatures.  Nick Swisher turns around and salutes them.  Not to be outdone, Melky Cabrera turned himself into pure energy and hovered over the bleachers to great applause, his dazzling white light warming the crowd on this typical cold miserable night.

Recommended reading material:  The Congressional Globe, 36th Congress, 2nd session, volumes 1 and 2.

Reader mail:

K.F. of Queens writes “Should I be worried about this eye that is growing on my shoulder?”   Only if it turns into Rosie Grier.

T.S.  of Astoria writes “I’m making a mint as a gigalo.  Should I go the W2 route?”   No.  You are an independent contractor.

L.K. of New Jersey writes “I have several bodies buried in my back yard.  Occasionally the septic tank overflows and the bodies rise to the surface.  How can I prevent this?”   Excellent question L.K.  I used to have that problem.  Now I bury the bodies in the neighbor’s back yard.  Let him worry about it.

So my record at Yankee games this year stands at 4 -1.  My next game is Sunday July 5th against the Toronto “We are from Canada, eh” Blue Jays.  Go Yanks!



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