A symbol of racism!
After an exhaustive search I have located the infamous truck that prevented the citizens of the United States from seeing their Commander-in-Chief playing golf. The truck in question has graciously consented to an interview.
WT: Hey it’s great to be here. Thanks for having me.
MI: [Silence]
WT: Um, so what would you like to talk about?
MI: [Silence]
WT: Hello?
MI: You f*cking make me sick! [Manhattan Infidel spits on the White Truck]
WT: What the hell man! Whatever happened to civility?
MI: Racists do not deserve civility!
WT: Racist? I’m just a White Truck!
MI: Exactly. A White Truck! How long have you been an alt-right White Truck Nationalist?
WT: I’m a truck! What the hell are you talking about?
MI: How long have you sympathized with the Nazi platform?
WT: Did you just call me a Nazi?
MI: Yes. Nazi!
WT: Wait a minute, are you implying I wish to redistribute income, punish banks and large corporations and institute the strictest gun control laws in Europe?
MI: Don’t change the subject. You’re an ally of our racist president. President Trump is a racist. We all know that. We don’t need proof. And the fact that he hired a White Truck instead of a Truck of Color only further proves how racist he is. You make me sick!
[Manhattan Infidel keys the White Truck]
WT: What the hell are you doing? Stop it! Why are you being so violent?
MI: Extremism in the defense of anti-racism and anti-fascism is no vice. I consider myself a member of AntiWhiteTruckFa. The Anti White Truck Fascist Brigade. No amount of violence against your kind is unjustified!
[Manhattan Infidel rips off the White Truck’s windshield wipers]
WT: Help! Somebody help me!
MI: You deserve what’s coming to you, you racist fascist!
[Manhattan Infidel lights a rag on fire and tosses it into the front seat of the White Truck]
WT: Oh god will I’m burning!. Will someone please help me!
MI: Burn the fascist! Burn the fascist!
WT: Oh god no! The flames have reached my fuel line!
[The White Truck explodes]
MI: My job here is done!
[Manhattan Infidel walks away. In slow motion. With a silhouette of flames behind him. (I know it’s a cool visual!)]
I did my job. I prevented a fascist, racist White Truck from further harming America. Let him stand as a warning to all the other White Trucks out there: If you try to prevent our press (the first line of defense of American liberty) from filming our racist Commander-in-Chief playing golf (with a white ball no doubt) you too shall be taken out!
I am Manhattan Infidel, proud member of the AntiWhiteTruckFa army. We are coming for your White Trucks. You have been warned.
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