Manhattan Infidel Presents: The Tweets of Mischa Barton

Murder is like wrong!

Murder is like wrong!

With the death of Alton Sterling many celebrities took to Twitter to offer their support and outrage. One such “celebrity” was the rapidly fading Mischa Barton, who may have starred in a TV show of some sort long ago but now is mainly known for taking it up the ass from agents, directors, producers, fellow cast members and whomever delivered her pizza every Sunday.

Apparently she is getting blowback from her tweet, which showed her on a yacht in a bikini drinking wine. Now onto the tweet in question:

I’m truly heartbroken to watch videos like the #altonsterling execution. This may have been going on forever in the United States but thank God the pigs get caught on camera now. It’s unthinkable and an embarrassment to America. The country I was brought up in. Somebody make change. We need gun control and unity. And a real President, so think about that when this election is around the corner. The world is a precarious place right now. #stop #reflect and #act appropriately,

Now who could object to that?  She feels badly about police brutality in America. And what better place to do it than aboard your yacht?  But perhaps the wording was unfortunate. I decided to look at some of Mischa’s other posts to decide for myself.

On the anniversary of dropping the atomic bomb on Hirsohima Barton tweeted this, accompanied by the now famous photo:

Murder is like wrong!

Murder is like wrong!

The warlike U.S. dropped a nuclear bomb on a peaceful people. If we only had bodycameras then to catch the pigs who dropped it. War is wrong. I feel for the Japanese people. If I had been wearing this bikini at Hiroshima I would have had no protection from the U.S. war machine. I like my yacht.  My cook is black! He’s not allowed on my yacht though.

When Corey Feldman weighed in on the pedophilia problem in Hollywood, Barton tweeted to show support.

My breasts will no longer be a slave to the patriarchy

My breasts will no longer be a slave to the patriarchy

Corey Feldman brings up many fine points. It is wrong for older men to pray on young boys. Fortunately when I was taking it up the ass it was consensual and for career purposes only. I have stopped wearing a bra to show my support for anti-pedophilia. I must get back to my yacht. I fired my black cook because cooking is degrading for black people. They can do better than that. I hired a Hispanic to replace him. Cuban I think. He has a knife so he might be Puerto Rican. He’s not allowed on my yacht either.

When Prince’s death was ruled a drug overdose, Barton tweeted about the dangers of drugs, prescription or otherwise.

Drugs are wrong, unless done on a yacht

Drugs are wrong, unless done on a yacht

I just heard about Prince’s autopsy results. People stop doing drugs.  Drugs are wrong. I’ve never been addicted to prescription drugs but I hear it’s like doing wine on your yacht:  There is never enough. Fortunately I smoke a lot of pot on my yacht when I run out of wine. My Hispanic cook says he doesn’t have any pot to give me. I may have to rehire my black cook. He’s black so I know he has pot. I haven’t had a job in awhile so sometimes I bring producers onto my yacht and let them fuck me in my ass. They have wine and pot for me.

After David Bowie death Barton tweeted the following:

Marijuana prevents cancer

Marijuana prevents cancer

I just heard the sad news of David Bowie on the radio as a producer was fucking me in my ass on my yacht. Cancer is bad. Almost as bad as having no gun control in America. Everyone on my yacht is rich and white. This means we won’t get cancer. I fired my Hispanic cook.  The Puerto Rican or Dominican. He had no pot for me. I rehired my black cook and asked him to get me lots of pot. He asked me if I was wearing a wire. I told him I wasn’t on that TV show. He then said he had no pot so I fired him again. Stop police brutality against black people. All they want to do is smoke pot and sing spirituals and what’s wrong with that? I hear a noise. I think my yacht sprung a leak. No wait, that’s just my ass.

Well there you have it. I don’t know why people say Mischa Barton is insensitive to the plight of minorities.


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