


Everybody remembers Rachel Dolezal. She was the head of the Spokane NAACP before it was discovered that she was actually white and was forced to resign. Well she’s back plugging her memoir, “Fake Black Lives Matter.” Recently she appeared on NBC’s Today Show to discuss her transsracialism. After her interview with Savannah Guthrie she sat down with me at a local Starbucks to discuss her racial journey.

MI: Good afternoon Miss Dolezal.

RD: What up, homie?

MI:Um, you can stop that now. There’s nothing but us white people here.

RD: I’m definitely not white. Nothing about being white describes who I am.

MI: You’re in a Starbucks.

RD: Okay so maybe that is a little white.  But I am more black than I am white. That’s the accurate answer from my truth.

MI: What is truth?

RD: You are being viciously inhumane.

MI: Right.  What’s it been like living the past year with this notoriety? Do people recognize you?

RD: It’s been challenging, for sure!

MI: For sure?  You know that’s a favorite saying of white people.

RD: I know!  For sure!  White people are funny.  But back to what you said, the past year has been challenging and wonderful. I welcomed a new son into the world. He’s wonderful. I don’t know what his race is, but he’ll have time to discover his truth as he grows up.

MI: Right. Do people recognize you?

RD: Oh sure. The brothers know who I am.  I went to a Lakers game and Kobe Bryant said hello to me.

MI:  He did?

RD:  Well, in his own way.  He actually spit on me and called me a “crazy white woman.”  That hurt.  He denied my truth.

MI: But you are a crazy white woman.

RD: For sure!

MI:  Okay, now in the past year have you done any reflecting on just how this all happened? Do you have any regrets about some of the things you said about yourself?

RD:  Such as?

MI: Being black?

RD: I am black. It’s my truth.

MI: You’re orange. 

Orange is the new self-identified black.

Orange is the new self-identified black.

RD: I’m not sure what you’re referring to with that.

MI: You’re writing a book about racial identity in America. What are you hoping to say?  What are you hoping to explain? What are you hoping to shed light on?

RD: Race is a complex thing. If you don’t stay in the racial box you were born in people get confused.

MI: Right.

RD: I’m at the intersection of race and culture. I’m an intersectionalist.

MI: Oh shut up.  Just shut up. You’re a con artist, a liar and a pathetic woman. Get the hell out of here.

RD: Can I finish my soy latte? Many of my people enjoy soy lattes. We used to drink it while working on plantations when we were slaves.

MI: I give up. This interview’s over.

RD: Good. I have to leave anyway. I don’t want to miss the Cheers marathon on TV. Cheers is a black show. Many of my people watch Cheers.

MI: Shut up!

And the interview ended and Ms. Dolezal was able to view the Cheers marathon.

On a personal note since I started this blog, indeed since March of 2007 I have been working for NBC News in 30 Rockefeller Center in New York.  This has at times prevented me from really criticizing that pathetic “news” network. But now that I no longer work there I can let these elite leftists have it with both barrels.

Oh, in case you missed it here is another example of NBC News at its finest. Enjoy. Savannah, it’s your best work.



3 Responses

  1. Petermc3 says:


  2. Bob Agard says:

    Stay focused, M.I. This interview may be revealed not to be true. For sure. It’s about time you own the you of you, don’t you think? I am reaching out to you, in hopes that you can soon do your own Ted Talk. Linked here: http://bobagard.blogspot.com/2016/04/her-truth.html

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