Just six days after President Obama’s State of the Union it has been announced that the show will be placed on hiatus and no more episodes will be ordered.
“We just didn’t get the ratings we hoped for” said an network executive.
We had high hopes for the State of the Union show. Obama’s a clean cut, well-spoken man and we still think he’s going to be a big star one day. He’s personable and has a fantastic wit. I mean every time he mentions a new free service the government will provide I just crack up. We just have to find the right vehicle for him. But the ratings, yeah, they weren’t what we wanted. We lost out on the all-important 18-49 year old demographic. PBS had a documentary on toe-nail fungus that sampled higher with millennials. We thought he’d be the person to capture the millennial crowd but it wasn’t to be. We’ll have to start again.
Stressing that the State of the Union is not being cancelled, only retooled, the executive went on to suggest a few changes that might make the show more appealing.
He needs colorful sidekicks around him. We’re thinking of adding a wacky transsexual neighbor to the show and have him roll off one-liners during the State of the Union. You know, have him stand behind the President and shout “Oh snap!” or something like that. That’s one possibility. We really haven’t thought it through yet. We might set the show in a more exotic locale than Washington D.C. Granted that’s not saying much. Camden and Detroit are more exotic than Washington. Or we might stay in Washington and use its high murder rate as the key to the show. Make Obama a psychic detective who can see people being shot before they are or something like that. Like I said we’re just throwing shit on a wall at this point seeing what sticks.
Still other executives aren’t sure of Obama’s star power and want to cancel the show outright.
“I watched the State of the Union Tuesday night” said another TV insider.
And what I saw just didn’t grab me. Obama appeared nervous and not a natural on television. The plot was slow moving and I could tell what he was going to say before he said it. That’s a death sentence. If the audience finds you boring you can forget about Prime Time. The only thing left is to become a co-host on The View.
Regardless of various executive’s opinions, Obama is under contract until 2017 and it is doubtful the networks will release him.
“We have a meeting with him tomorrow. We want to hear his ideas on improving the show.”
No matter what happens one character will not return: Vice President Biden has already been given his walking papers.
“He didn’t test well. People found him goofy and more than a little creepy.”
I saw this before, A show about nothing.