Zombies are much in the news lately with many TV shows and movies being built around them. With that in mind today at Manhattan Infidel I am honored to snag an interview with a member of the community of the undead.
MI:Welcome to my humble blog.
Z: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.
MI: I must say you’re very articulate and clean cut for a zombie.
Z: That’s racist! That’s a racist comment and you should be ashamed of yourself!
MI: I’m…..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.
Z: Okay then. We’ll let it pass.
MI: I mean I’m not anti-zombie at all. Lots of bloggers are zombies. I don’t mind them. As long as they don’t move into my neighborhood or date my children.
Z: What?
MI: Now, first question. What it’s like being a zombie?
Z: We’re hunters and gatherers mainly, much like your native Americans.
MI: Oh, the merciless Indian savages. Yes, I heard they had primitive ways.
Z: What? You really should stop talking like that.
MI: So tell me what do zombies do for fun?
Z: We absolutely love soccer.
MI: Really?
Z: Oh yes.
MI: I didn’t know that.
Z: It fits our skill set. As zombies we are slow moving and uncoordinated.
MI: Much like soccer players themselves. Now I get the connection.
Z: Exactly. In fact many professional soccer players are zombies. So the next time you see a soccer player collapse on the field he’s not faking an injury, he’s just a zombie.
MI: Wow. So any famous zombies my readers would like to know about?
Z: Joe Biden. He’s a hero to us. The first zombie to breakthrough and have mainstream success in the living community.
MI: Any others?
Z: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Keith Olbermann – though we all hate him – the entire 2013 New York Yankees.
MI: Even Jeter?
Z: Why do you think he broke his ankle? Zombies shouldn’t play shortstop. We’re natural first baseman.
MI: That makes sense. Now I have to ask this. Do you watch the Walking Dead?
Z: Yeah. The entire show is one giant hate crime against our race.
MI: How so?
Z: First off we rarely bite the living. Unless they’re with the EPA. We’re vegans for the most part. The living just taste funny. Too fresh.
MI: So what’s next for the zombie community?
Z: We’re trying to get our own land where we can live together.
MI: Like the savage Indians on their reservations?
Z: I’ll let that pass. And once we get our own land we can build our own culture without interference from the living. It should be exciting.
MI:Who do zombies vote for?
Z:Well as you can imagine since we are dead we vote for Democrats.
MI: Do any zombies vote Republican?
Z: Yeah. Mainly third and fourth generation zombies who have forgotten where they came from.
MI: Well that about wraps up my questions. Um, dude, your arm just fell off.
Z: No problem. I’ll just tape it back on. Being dead we have these problems.
I thank the unnamed zombie for stopping by. And I would ask my readers to be good Americans and good neighbors and welcome the zombies into your neighborhood. They’re just like you and I. But dead.
If the cost of living gets any worse, I think I’l join the zoonbies. Besides, I am a soccer fan, so stop your racist remarks about those who play Futball. It’s not soccer and it is not foot bal. It’s FUTBAL!!!!
Futbal? Oh, you mean soccer.