Then Barack spoke to the multitudes and to his disciples in the mainstream media
Saying: The congressman and senators have sitten in their seats in the Capitol building.
And they love the first places at campaign dinners, and the chairs in first class on airplanes.
And to appear on talk shows and be called, honorable elected representative.
But there is one master who deserves first places on campaign dinners and to fly around America on Air Force One to his campaign dinners and that is me.
And call none your master; for one is your master, who is me.
Neither be ye called masters; for one is your master, me.
He that is the greatest among you shall be an unelected bureaucrat in the Federal government.
But woe to you Republicans and conservative Democrats, hypocrites; because you shut the kingdom of socialism against men, for you yourselves would pay our debt.
Woe to you Republicans and conservative Democrats, hypocrites; because you devour meat dishes in the Capitol cafeteria instead of eating healthy green socialist food.
Woe to you Republicans and conservative Democrats, hypocrites; because you fly back to your districts to make one man vote for you; and when he votes, you make him the child of hell twofold because he opposes redistribution.
Ye foolish and blind; for whether is greater, socialism or the Capitol building that should sanctifieth the socialism?
Ye blind: for whether is greater, the pork your elected representative brings to your district, or the altar of socialism that sanctifieth the pork?
And whosoever shall swear by the temple of socialism, sweareth by the throne of socialism, and by him that sitteth theron, being me.
Blind guides, who strain out arugula, and swallow a bacon cheeseburger.
Woe to you Republicans and conservative Democrats, hypocrites; because you are like a Burger King, which outwardly appear to men beautiful because of their burgers, but within are full of bones, and of all filthiness.
So you outwardly indeed appear to men to be socialists and just; but inwardly you are full of capitalism and iniquity.
You serpents, generation of viper capitalists, how will you flee from the judgment of socialism?
Therefore behold I send you prophets of socialism like Van Jones, and wise men like Timothy Geithner, and scribes like Eric Holder: and some of them you will not ratify, and some you will be mean to and persecute in Washington D.C.
That upon you may come all the socialist blood that hath been shed upon Gaia.
From the blood of Bill Ayers the just, even unto the blood of Diana Oughton, the girlfriend of the just Bill Ayers, who was killed in the temple of her apartment whilst building a bomb to the altar of socialism.
Amen I say to you, all these things shall come upon this generation of ungrateful voters, for have you not the son of redistribution in the White House now?
Washington D.C., Washington, D.C., thou that fails to reelect the prophets of socialism that are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered together thy children, as the hen doth gather her chickens under her wings, and goeth to a free-range farm where we shall taste happier.
Behold, your house, bought with a Freddie Mac loan shall be left to you, desolate.
For I say to you, you shall not see me henceforth till you say: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of redistribution.
[To be continued.]
When you get to the last page of this gospel you are going to find that it is signed by Bill Ayers and by The One.
>>>Blind guides, who strain out arugula, and swallow a bacon cheeseburger.
Holy gaucamole. Laughing such that I had to step away from the desk for a sec. Best one yet.