The following has been reprinted with kind permission from the New Black Panther Party of America:
Greetings brothers!
Since the attack on our noble brother Trayvon Martin by a Hispanic – a white Hispanic – many of our peoples have asked us in the Executive Council of the New Black Panther Party whether this is a sign that the race war has begun, should we defend ourselves, who should we kill and under what circumstances.
Yes brothers. The race war has begun. Like many we at the Executive Council of the New Black Panther party expected it to be against Whitey. But despite our fondest hopes this is not to be the case. Our war is against Hispanics. Or more specifically white Hispanics, for it would be wrong to tarnish an entire peoples with the attribute racist.
Now onto specifics. When is it acceptable to kill a Hispanic (other than a Puerto Rican.) Remember, our fight is with white Hispanics.
But you may ask, how can I tell when I’m fighting a white Hispanic? After all not every white Hispanic will have a readily identifiable Jew name like Zimmerman or Estevez.
Not to worry. There is an app for that. Just go to iTunes and download the “Is He Really a White Hispanic” app. It’s free.
This handy app (approved by the Executive Council of the New Black Panther Party) will make it easier for you to decide whom to kill. Using mathematical formulas you will be guided in your quest to kill white Hispanics. The following are just some of the hightlights of this app:
- Is the Hispanic you are fighting related to Charlie Sheen? If so he is a white Hispanic and his death is approved.
- If the amount of white blood in him is over 65% it is always acceptable to kill him (even if he isn’t Puerto Rican.)
- If the white Hispanic you are confronting has only 13 to 43.26% white blood in him you must first get his death approved by the Executive Council of the New Black Panther Party. It would also help to have two signed written statements testifying to the fact that the victim does in fact identify himself as a white Hispanic.
- Below this it gets even trickier. If the white Hispanic you are confronting has only 0.125% Hispanic blood, or is what we like to call an “octoroon” then for legal purposes he is no longer white Hispanic but full-blooded white. As such it is unacceptable to kill him (unless that 0.125% is Puerto Rican of course.)
- If he has less than 0.125% Hispanic blood but still identifies himself as such beware! He might be an FBI decoy. Do not kill him (unless he is Puerto Rican.)
And that my brothers are just some of our guidelines.
Until the race war is won fight on!
Note: The New Black Panther Party of America is not affiliated with Burlington Coat Factory.
My thanks again to the New Black Panther Party of America for granting me permission to reprint this.
Manhattan Infidel
“But you may ask, how can I tell when I’m fighting a white Hispanic? After all not every white Hispanic will have a readily identifiable Jew name like Zimmerman or Estevez.”
I didn’t know the New Black Panthers were so discriminating in their discrimination. Maybe Obama will invite them to sit on his Human Rights Commission.
Very well written for a Panther. I would have expected it to start with, “Yo, listen up!”
What’s their beef with Puerto Ricans.
Very informative allocation!! I enjoyed reading this post and must appreciate you for good writing. I think writing about black and white Hispanics is complicated topic and you well judged the topic. Thanks
I think a Jew name should negate any non-white blood. i mean, he’s obviously a member of conspiracy.