The Gospel According to Barack Obama (Part V)

The Kingdom of redistribution is at hand!

 At that time Barack and his wife went through the expensive and trendy restaurants and being hungry they began to eat.

And the Republicans seeing them said:  Behold your wife and you do eat and drink and fly in private planes to eat and drink in the middle of a recession.

But Barack said to them:  Have you not read that I lower sea levels? Or have ye not read in the Constitution the phrase “insure domestic tranquility?”  Well, this is how I insure domestic tranquility.

But I tell you that there is one here greater than the Constitution.

And behold there was a man who had a withered hand, and they asked him, saying:  This man has no insurance.  Is it lawful?

But he said to them:  What man shall be so stupid that hath not insurance?  Especially now that he shall be fined thereof.

Then he saith to the man:  Stretch forth thy hand thou rube; and he stretched it forth and it was restored to health.  And Barack saith, you really should be in jail for not buying insurance.

And he charged the man not to make him known.  I mean he really charged him.  Lots of money.

And then was offered to him one possessed with a devil, blind and dumb.  And Barack did hand him over to the death panel because his quality of life was bad.

But the Republican hierarchy hearing it, said:  This man casteth out devils by Sarah Palin the princess of the devils.

And Barack knowing their thoughts, said to them:  he that is not with me is against me.

And whosoever shall speak a word against Obama it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this election cycle nor in the next one.

O Republican vipers, how can you speak good things, whereas you are evil?

A good progressive liberal Democrat out of the good treasure brings forth redistribution:  and an evil capitalist Republican out of evil treasure bringeth forth inequality, racism and  nonredistribution.

The kingdom of socialism is like unto a treasure hidden in a field.  Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant.  Well, maybe that’s not a good example since merchants are capitalists and the evil other. 

 And it came to pass:  when Barack had finished these parables, he passed from hence. 

On Air Force One. 

But not before he shut down the east side of Manhattan so he could attend a Broadway show and eat at a fancy restaurant.


One Response

  1. “But not before he shut down the east side of Manhattan so he could attend a Broadway show and eat at a fancy restaurant.”

    Off course, only the best for his most gracious and holy, all hail barack.

    Between the occupy parasites and barack and his media entourage, poor New Yorkers are screwed.

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