From the Manhattan Infidel Archives: December 7th 1951 – 10th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack Marked by Controversy

An example of a controlled explosionWith the tenth anniversary of the man-caused troubles at Pearl Harbor Hawaii fast approaching the event, which should be a time for all Americans to volunteer for their favorite charity, has become marked by controversy.

At 8 AM on the morning of December 7th the reading of the names of all those who perished on that fateful day will be read.  A bell will be rung at the exact time the Arizona was hit.  Veterans of the Japanese Navy will also be present to help read the names.

This is an important gesture” said the territorial governor, Oren E. Long.  “We want the ceremony to show the world the glory of peace.”

But as beautiful as the planned ceremony is, it has been marked by controversy.  Many are upset over Governor Long’s decision to ban all priests, ministers and rabbis from the ceremony.

“There wouldn’t be room for them anyway” said the governor.  “Besides, I want this event to be nonsectarian in character.”

Instead a Japanese Buddhist monk will ring a bell.

“This is an important symbol of reconciliation between the two peoples.  I support him being here.  And I support his temple .”

The temple that Governor Long speaks of will be built within eyesight of the sunken U.S.S. Arizona, a decision that has enraged veterans.

The veterans, “many it should be noted from red states” the governor added are also upset over the Long’s decision to ban the U.S. Navy from the ceremony.

“Having the Navy at the ceremony would send the wrong signal to the Japanese.  Japan, after all, is the Island of Peace.”

Governor Long then asked all Americans to look deep within themselves.

“Is this ceremony just going to be about our victory in war? An unjust war at that!  Because we all  know the war was fought for oil.  Instead on concentrating on war let’s concentrate on our feelings.  How did being attacked make us feel?  Did we cry?  I speak for many when I say it’s time men cried more and got in touch with their feelings.”

The ceremony will be open to the public.  However for the first time those wishing to attend must buy a ticket.



3 Responses

  1. I didn’t know that Long was Bloomberg’s granpappy. That explains a lot.

  2. MK says:

    “I speak for many when I say it’s time men cried more and got in touch with their feelings.”

    I think i also speak for many when i say it’s time wankers like these get a boot in their ass.

  3. Manhattan Infidel says:

    Jim: Yes indeed it does.

    MK: I like how you think.

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