The killing of Osama Bin Laden remains one of the moments in life that everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing when they found out. This also includes, apparently, Hollywood. Now for the first time I have collected Tweets from Hollywood superstars showing the various reactions from Tinseltown to Bin Laden’s death.
Jenny McCarthy tweets:
OMG OMG OMG OMG! Bin Laden is dead! I bet he was autistic!
10:33 PM from the web.
Bill Maher tweets:
Those Navy seals are the real cowards! Shooting a man close up who was hiding behind a woman!
10: 50 PM from the web.
Joy Behar’s Twitter followers received the following:
Osama Bin Laden is dead. I like popcorn. If you disagree with my last statement you are racist.
11:03 from the web.
Former Vice President Al Gore tweets:
From my mansion in Tennessee my Oscar and I are saddened by the news of Bin Laden’s death. For all his faults Bin Laden knew the truth of man-made global warming. We should all spend a moment of silence in memory of…….Bacon!……I smell bacon! Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon!!
11:08 PM from the web.
Kevin Bacon writes:
This is a proud day for all Americans. We can rejoice that…….hey, I don’t smell! I invite all my followers to sniff my underarms. You know who smells? Al Gore. Yeah, he smells. What? Oh, he meant cured meat prepared from a pig. Never mind.
11:10 PM from the web
From Leonardo DiCaprio:
The U.S. has assassinated an innocent man. Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. The towers were brought down by controlled explosions. I’m smart. Not like people say!
11:13 PM from the web
Lindsay Lohan’s cat tweets:
The liturgical changes instituted after Vatican II have damaged the Church. I am particularly bothered by the change from Ad orientem to versus populum. Hey, will someone clean my litter box? How’d you like to take a crap in that? It’s disgusting! What? Oh, I mean meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
11:20 PM from the web
Fredo Corleone tweets:
Yes, I know I’m a fictional character who died in the 1950s but even I know that the death of Bin Laden is a great day for America. What? I’m smarter than Leonardo DiCaprio. Not like people say!
11:33 PM from the web
Sean Penn writes:
The celebrations disgust me. We should never celebrate the death of anyone. We should all live in peace. Wake up America. There is no place for violence. Is that a camera? Were you going to take a picture of me? You MOTHERF##)($#!!!! I’M GOING TO CRUSH YOUR F#$##$##) SKULL!!!
11:50 from the motherf#$#( web
And there you have it. A brief but representative sampling of Hollywood’s reaction to Bin Laden’s death.
“Jenny McCarthy tweets: ‘OMG OMG OMG OMG! Bin Laden is dead! I bet he was autistic!'”
Plagiarism is beneath you, Infidel. I’m sure you took this straight from “Inside Hollywood”. Please tel me it isn’t so.
Shamus: Jenny sadly represents the intellectual cream of Hollywood.
jim: Hey, they stole it from me. I’m the serious reporter!!!!