Browsing the archives for the The Trial of Captain Kirk category

Kirk Begins his Defense

Captain James T. Kirk, acting against the advice of counsel, began his defense today in his much ballyhooed trial. Kirk does not deny any of the allegations of Star Fleet.  Instead he paints a picture of a man in the far flung corners of the galaxy operating on a shoe string budget and without a […]

Prosecution Rests in Kirk Trial

  Prosecution for Star Fleet rested today in the trial for dereliction of duty of Captain James T. Kirk. In its closing statement the lead prosecutor for Star Fleet called Kirk “unfit for duty on all counts” and presented a picture of a man obsessed with sex whose entire career was one bad decision after […]

Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll: More Revelations at Captain Kirk’s Trial

The salacious trial of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Fleet enters its third week with more bombshell testimony depicting an out of control ship with an officer corp that was, to put it mildly, unfit for duty. “Everybody on board the ship was drunk all the time” said an enlisted man testifying at Kirk’s […]

Kirk’s Trial Continues

The trial of Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise continues at Star Fleet Headquarters.  Billed as the “Trial of the Century” each day leads to further revelations as to life on board the Enterprise that were, to  put it mildly, not in keeping with Star Fleet discipline. For starters, it seems that security […]

Scandal Rocks Star Fleet!

Star Fleet, already hit by budget cuts was further rocked today when it was announced that Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise and several top officers have been indicted for dereliction of duty. “We were all shocked” said a Star Fleet Admiral.  “Kirk was one of our youngest and brightest officers.  He had […]