Like most bloggers I struggle to make a living, hoping one day that I can gain acceptance by my haughty superiors in the mainstream media. Well, I think that day has finally arrived. Exploiting reporting on the tragedy in Colorado where a crazed, hate-filled racist teabagger opened fire in a cinema I was able to gather the following facts after I called up the alleged suspect, Jim Holmes, of Aurora, Colorado.
MI: Am I speaking with Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado? The same Jim Holmes who is a racist teabagger?
JH: Um. This is Jim Holmes. Whom am I talking to?
MI: This is the famous Manhattan Infidel. You’ve no doubt heard of me.
JH: No, I haven’t.
MI: Oh like I’m going to believe a teabagger. Why did you open fire in the movie theater?
JH: That wasn’t me!
MI: So you still insist you are innocent? A racist teabager claiming to be innocent? Why don’t I believe you?
BR: Manhattan Infidel, excuse me. This is Brian Ross
of ABC News. I have further information that may be of interest.
MI: Yes, Brian Ross. Go ahead.
BR: I have here a phone book, a Honolulu phone book from December 1941. There is a Jim Holmes in this phone book. What was his connection to the sneak attack on December 7th? Perhaps he was a Japanese spy.
MI: Good work, Brian Ross. Definitely a great scoop.
JH: What are you talking about? I wasn’t even born then.
MI: Why did you become a teabagger Mr. Holmes? Was it your hatred of minorities?
JH: Oh come on!
BR: Manhattan Infidel. It’s Brian Ross again. I have further information that may be relevant.
MI: Yes, go ahead.
JH: I have a listing of boxes in Ford’s Theater in Washington in April 1865 and one was owned by a Jim Holmes. Perhaps he was involved in the assassination of President Lincoln?
MI: Makes sense to me. A racist teabagger would have good reason to shoot the man responsible for the Emancipation Proclamation.
JH: Oh please. This is ridiculous. I’m going to hang up now.
BR: Manhattan Infidel, I have more information on Jim Holmes. Shocking information if I may say so.
MI: Go ahead Brian.
BR: I have in my hand a book called the bible. It says that the woman Eve was tempted by the Devil. Now I’m pretty sure this so-called Devil was another name for Jim Holmes.
MI: Excellent work Brian. So Mr. Holmes, do you deny your responsibility for original sin?
JH: Goodbye. [Hangs up.]
MI: That was excellent work Brian Ross. Excellent work and I thank you.
BR: I was glad to help. You know, Manhattan Infidel, as a blogger you aren’t that different than we in the mainstream media. Your dedication to unsubstantiated rumors is quite impressive. I shall speak to my superiors about having you hired.
MI: Thank you. I’m honored. And humbled.
BR: Now if you excuse me Manhattan Infidel I must leave to work on another groundbreaking story.
MI: Anything you want to share with my readers?
BR: Apparently the Sun has just set in the west. Reports are still sketchy but I’m pretty sure the racist tea party and racist Jim Holmes are responsible.
BR: I look forward to the reports.
And there you have it readers. I will probably be blogging less in the future as my work for ABC news will be taking up most of my time.
Yours sincerely,
Manhattan Infidel, mainstream media reporter.
Congratulations Mr. Infidel! I always knew that your ability to creatively present facts would land you such a position.
I for one think your ability to ‘shape’ the ‘facts’ to create a desired ‘narrative’ is brilliant, Mr. Infidel.
MSM credibility, here you come!
MI, quick look out of your window. Those red and blue flashing lights are for you for impersonating a MSM jounal-list. RUN!!!
Watch your back. The old news anchors don’t look kindly on newbies trampling their turf.
Ichiro? Really?
Matt: It’s what we in the MSM do.
Shamus: I expect to have Brian Williams job soon.
Jim: Impersonating? I am the MSM.
Inn: I don’t like this trade. Ichiro? Don’t need him. We’re getting good production from our left fielders, Jones and Ibanez.