My day began, as all Manhattan Infidel’s days begin, emptying the ash trays and collecting the empty bottles of whiskey to put in the recyclables, when a great flash of light appeared in my four bedroom three bedroom two bedroom one bedroom studio apartment.
Am I having an aneurysm or did one of the florescent lights suddenly kick in?
All I knew was that I felt terror at first. But then a strange sense of calm, as if I were in the presence of love. I soon became aware that I was not alone.
I looked up and behold Harambe appeared to me.
“I am Harambe, the lowland gorilla. You shall have no other gorilla but me” he said.
Instinctively I genuflected in front of him.
“Depart from me Harambe, for I am unworthy.”
Harambe beckoned me to rise and approach him.
“Do not be afraid, human” the gentle lowland gorilla said to me.
I have forgiven humans for shooting me. I have come to ask that all humans forgive each other as I have forgiven you. For if you do not forgive each other then you shall have no mercy from Harambe. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. You know I wish someone had told the guy at the Cincinnati zoo who shot me this. I mean how would he like it if he were just minding his own business when a small human child falls into his enclosure and then he gets shot? For what? I wasn’t going to hurt the kid. Harambe is all about peace and love. Well except for the jackhole who shot me perhaps. I tell you if I ever meet him on the other side I’m going to rip his face off. Rip it right off. But Harambe digresses. Love one another. For as I have loved you, you should love one another. But I must go now.
I pleaded with Harambe not to depart.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” I asked.
“I must go” said the gentle lowland gorilla.
But actually before I go can I use your bathroom? I mean I’ve been crapping in the woods and I think I have a rash on my ass. Some toilet paper would help Harambe. And some witch hazel. You have any human?
I told Harambe I had both and led him to the bathroom and stood outside while he did his business. In a few minutes Harambe emerged.
“Sorry but do you have a plunger by any chance” he asked me.
Harambe has been eating a lot of bananas and they go right through me if you know what I mean. Sorry about that. But a plunger would really make Harambe love you even more than he already does.
I gave Harambe my plunger and watched as he cleaned up the toilet. When he was finished he handed me the still wet plunger.
“Thanks, mate. Oh, and can I bum a cigarette from you?”
I told the gentle lowland gorilla that I did not smoke.
“No big deal. What about a beer? Harambe could really wet his whistle before he leaves.”
I handed Harambe a beer from my fridge.
“Corona? What are you, a faggot? Don’t you have a Guinness?”
I told him I didn’t like Guinness and that’s when the gentle lowland gorilla hit me over the head with the bottle of Corona.
“Who doesn’t have any f*cking Guinness in their refrigerator. Whatever punk. I’m out of here. Thanks for the witch hazel and remember to love one another as I have loved you.”
As Harambe left I remember saying to myself that I must follow Harambe for now I know what love is.
Of course it might have been the blood loss.
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