You’re all feckless!
Today at Manhattan Infidel I have the pleasure of interviewing a figure much in the news lately: Late night talk show host and comedienne Samantha Bee.
MI: Good afternoon Miss Bee.
SB: You’re nothing but a feckless c*nt.
MI: Um. What?
SB: Feckless. You heard me. You’re an example of fecklessness in a feckless world.
MI: Okay. I think. Would you like some Château le Blanc?
SB: What year?
MI: ’68 of course.
[Manhattan Infidel hands Samantha Bee the Château le Blanc and she drinks it]
SB: This Château le Blanc ’68 is supposed to be served slightly chilled! This is room temperature! What do you think I am? An Animal?
[She throws the glass at Manhattan Infidel which hits him in the head]
MI: Ow. What the hell, man?
SB: You feckless c*nt!
[Laughter is heard]
MI: Where the hell is that coming from?
SB: It’s from my laugh track machine. I carry a portable one with me. That way when I say witty things like “feckless c*nt” the laugh track validates me and proves how witty I am.
MI: I see.
SB: You feckless c*nt!
[The laugh track machine goes off again]
SB: You see! Instant validation of my superior wit!
[Stormy Daniels enters]
I am a hero to teenage girls everywhere
SB: My god, it’s Stormy Daniels. A empowered female and role model for all young women everywhere. What brings you here?
SD: I heard a laugh track and that means an audience. So I came over here to see if anyone will pay me to let strangers put their penis in my vagina.
SB: You are not a feckless c*nt you are a f*cking c*nt! A c*nt that fucks. A c*nt that fucks for money!
[Laugh track goes off again]
SD: I know! My story should be an inspiration to all teenage girls across the United States.
MI: Is there anything you want to say to the teenage girls of America who may be reading this interview?
SD: Believe in yourself. You can do anything. But just in case you have no other talents get implants and f*ck in front of a camera for money. One day you may meet the future president of the United States!
SB: Stormy you are not feckless. And you certainly aren’t f*ckless!
[Laugh track activates]
SB: You are an empowered feminist hero and I salute you and your money-making p*ssy!
MI: I’m sorry but how does being a porn star make you a feminist?
SB & SD: Shut up! We are tired of your patriarchy!
[Laugh track goes off]
SB: Patriarchy!
[Laugh track goes off]
SB: I just said patriarchy twice, both times sneering condescendingly. The laugh track proves I’m witty.
SD: I bet you’ve never f*cked on camera for money!
MI: No I haven’t actually.
SB & SD:Loser!
And so ended my interview with the very witty and superior Samantha Bee and feminist icon Stormy Daniels. What a pair of feckless c*nts!
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