Being a blogger means one thing: Not making a profit Being at the forefront of breaking news stories. And when the scandal of the IRS targeting groups opposed to the Obama administration broke I spared no expense to get to the bottom of the story. Using my contacts in the government hookers I was able to get access absolutely no access to the movers and shakers in Washington. And so, without further adieu I now present my exclusive interview with former acting IRS commissioner Steven T. Miller (pictured here)
MI: Thank you for meeting with me.
STM: No problem. As a government employee we exist to serve the people.
MI: Do you really believe that?
STM: Of course. [Pause] Ah, who am I kidding. We are better than you rubes.
MI: Okay. Moving along. What would you say is the role of the IRS?
STM: To objectively, impartially and fairly collect income from Americans.
MI: Seriously?
STM: Okay, you got me. The IRS’s role is to punish the administration’s enemies. To make the lives of conservatives a living hell. To use tax records to blackmail and intimidate those whose politics we disagree with.
MI: Wow. I must say I appreciate your honesty.
STM: I’m out of control I tell you. Power mad. I destroy. Why before I went into the office this morning I broke my cat’s neck and drank his blood. Why? Why not. That’s just how I, and the IRS, roll.
MI: Okay. I don’t know how to follow up with that but let’s start with this. Does the IRS make use of “code words” to target certain groups?
STM: You mean like teabaggers?
MI:Yes. Exactly.
STM: Never.
MI: Really?
STM: Okay. You got me. Especially teabaggers. We target all those that believe in smaller government. Because by believing in smaller government they decrease my power. Power! I live for it.
MI: You’re starting to scare me.
STM: Look into my eyes.
MI: Stop that. Now back to my question. How many code words do you use?
STM: Thousands, literally.
MI: Can you give me some examples?
STM: Any group that wants to “make America a better place” we target. Some other code words include “small government” “Patriot” and “George Lazenby” to name a few.
MI: George Lazenby? Really? Why?
STM: It’s a well known fact that George Lazenby’s fans all favor smaller government.
MI: I did not know that.
STM: By the way, as long as you’re here, do you suffer from any blood disorders?
MI: Not that I”m aware of.
STM: Perfect. [He lunges at Manhattan Infidel]
MI: Will you cut that out. I just had gall bladder surgery. You’ll rip my stitches.
STM: But I’m a government employee. I must drink your blood.
MI: I’m out of here. Psycho!
STM: Come back. Come back now! Or I’ll audit you! And drink your blood! And kill your cat!
MI: One last thing before I go. You were forced to resign because of the IRS scandal.
STM: I did not resign. I was scheduled to move on anyway.
MI: Really?
STM: Would I lie?
And there you have it readers. Once again I have unearthed a story the mainstream media won’t touch: Many in the IRS wear capes.
When Steve and the band released “Abracadabra” I knew things were going to get ugly.
Inn, I may be in the minority here but I liked Abracadabra. Or maybe it was just Martha Quinn introducing the video that I liked. It was a long time ago.
What does IRS maen? Inrense Rectal Scan? They sure are a pain in…