Responding to repeated requests
I like being nude in public to continue my award-winning series on the Pastoral Constitution of the Democratic Party I now present Part Four of this remarkable document. A document, I might add, that I obtained through no small danger to myself cops do not like me being nude in public.
Fostering the Family: A duty for all
The family is, in a sense, a school for socialism. But if it is to achieve the full flowering of the socialist workers’ paradise the adult caregivers must practice obedience to the Democratic Party. This will help with children’s upbringing.
The active presence of the father used to be very important. But regrettably we in the Holy and Sacred Democratic Party find many men trying to impose their authority over their children. This is not to be tolerated. Children are to learn their values from the state and their values will be only what the state and the Democratic Party deem sufficiently socialist. As such, we propose that all fathers be removed from their children and that the children be reared by their mothers, who are more likely to view socialism favorably.
Some Characteristics of Economic Life Today
In the sphere of economics the welfare of multicultural society must be respected; for the state is the focus and the end of all economic life.
Economic development must remain under the State’s control; it is not to be left to the judgment of a few individuals in the private sector. Only the few who work for the State have the moral authority to direct our economy.
An End to Economic Injustice
We in the Democratic Party denounce as false doctrines that which stands in the way of reforming economic injustice and inequality, especially the doctrine which stands in the way of reform on the pretext of a false notion of freedom, which is subordinate to the group collective.
An End to Economic and Social Differences
To fulfill the requirements of socialism and social justice the State, run by the Democratic Party, must put an end to privately held wealth. That is why we in the Democratic Party support Occupy Wall Street.
End of Part Four
NYPD Officer: There he is! He’s naked again.
Manhattan Infidel: You can’t arrest me. I am reporting! Manhattan has the Naked Cowboy, why can’t they have the Naked Blogger?
NYPD Officer: Get out your night sticks boys. This freak’s going down!
Manhattan Infidel: Oww…………… Careful don’t hurt my testicles. I’m pole dancing tonight.
The NYPD really does enjoy giving their billy clubs a rigorous field testing every once in a while.
Shamus: The NYPD are good socialists. And we are all socialists now. They simply are redistributing the blows.
You weren’t thinking clearly, my friend. You should have told the cops you were with the SEIU and they wouldn’t have bothered you.