Following up on a previous post I now present part two of the Pastoral Constitution of the Democratic Party. Will there parts three or four? As a blogger I am committed to the truth beer. I will continue to report the facts drink beer for my thousands six loyal readers. So yes there will be parts three and four unless I run out of beer.
Social Justice
All men (and woman and transgendered) are endowed with a rational soul (except for teabaggers.) Forms of social or cultural discrimination on the grounds of sex, race. color, social conditions or religion (except for teabagging Christianity) must be curbed and eradicated. It is regrettable that the basic human right that all women deserve of aborting their children is under attack.
The Need to Transcend an Individualistic Morality
The Democratic Party believes that the best way to promote social justice is to contribute to the common good according to one’s means. Unless you make more than $200,000 a year in which case we will redistribute your income for you.
There are many who make more than $200,000 a year who make light of social justice and are not ashamed to belittle the Environmental Protection Agency. These people also frequently resort to fraud and cheating in order to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
There are others who neglect the norms of social conduct by voting Republican, forgetting that they are endangering polar bears by doing so.
Let all Democrats consider it his sacred duty to obey the Democratic Party and to count social justice and redistribution of wealth as man’s (or woman’s or transgendered’s) chief duty.
The communitarian character of the Democratic Party is perfected and fullfilled in the work of Barack Obama for Barack Obama is made flesh and wills to share in human fellowship (unless you are a teabagger, refuse to pay your fair share of taxes or cling to guns or religion.)
This solidarity must be constantly increased until the day when socialism is brought to fulfillment. On that day Mankind, or womankind or trangenderedkind, saved by the redistribution of wealth, will offer perfect glory to Barack Obama.
The Problem
Man is the problem the Democratic Party faces in its attempts to create a socialist workers’ paradise.
For some men foolishly continue to develop his life through work and produce through his own enterprise things that only the government should do. This must stop. And through healthy over regulation it will!
Regulation of Human Activity
Human activity needs to be strictly regulated to ensure that no one is more successful than his brother. For economic success is a symptom of our shameful capitalistic past. Economic success is of less value than social justice, paying one’s fair share of taxes and redistribution of wealth.
[End of Part Two] Time for a beer run.
If nobody works, everyone will tithe 10% of nothing. These lads better go back to the drawing board.
Jim: but….but….but what about the social revolution happening on occupy wall street? Isn’t this the wave of the future?
This Democratic platform will work so well, we’re gonna need more Mexicans to fill all the job openings.
At some point there will be a purge, no?
Inn: Mexicans? you mean the native Meximaricans?
Shamus: There will be a purge. Unfortunately they will be purging us.
Yup, man has always gotten in the way of utopian schmucks’ fantasies.
“Human activity needs to be strictly regulated to ensure that no one is more successful than his brother” I find this line funny and yet you were talking about “democracy party”.
SSK: Kinda amusing isn’t it how the party of Democracy wants to regulate all human behavior?