Racist Congressman Targets Religion of Peace

This man is worse than Hitler!!!!Notorious white racist Congressman Peter King has stirred up a firestorm of protests against his committee that is investigating alleged homegrown radical Muslim terrorism in the U.S.

In a beautiful example of the diversity that makes America great a rally of 1000 people was held in Times Square.  Liberals from the East Hamptons, the West Hamptons and the Upper West Side protested Kings anti-constitutional attack on American freedoms.

“Today they are targeting Muslims.  Tomorrow it’ll be Jews” said a 60-ish protester who went by the name “Peace.”   Wearing a Che Guevara T shirt and holding a flower that he “hoped to put in the barrel of a policeman’s gun” Peace expressed dismay at King’s actions.

Islam is a religion of peace.  We have nothing to fear from them.  Muslims just want what all immigrants want:  a better life and the opportunity to strap explosives to their chest. Hopefully not before stoning their adulterous wife to death.   I tell you, this rally is great.  It’s like the 1960s all over again.  I haven’t had much to smile about since my prostate was removed but I’m feeling the old juices coming back.  Hey, over there – is that Phil Ochs?

Peace’s story was typical of those attending the rally.  Many were wearing shirts with King’s image with a target over it.  Chants of “Hey ho racist Peter King must go!” and  “Ho hey, racist Peter King must go” filled the air.

Celebrities including Mike Tyson and Kim Kardashian added their support online.  Kardashian tweeted “I love freedom.  Freedom is good.  Peter King is bad.  I just did my nails.  Have you heard my new single?”

As the rally was ending Peace finally located a policeman writing a parking ticket and attempted to put his flower in the barrel of his gun.  Peace was disappointed to learn that the NYPD officer was not carrying a rifle. Peace handed the officer his flower and walked away.  It was then that the rally was disrupted by an explosion.  A suicide bomber, for reasons that are unknown at the moment (perhaps he was suffering from a sodium high or had problems paying his mortgage) had struck.

Peace was thrown into the air, his legs blown off.  When he regained consciousness and saw that his legs were missing he said “I blame Glenn Beck for his.  The man’s rhetoric is inflammatory.”

Representative King has no plans to halt his hearings.



6 Responses

  1. When the Kardouchians get involved, you know the shit has nuked the fridge.

  2. The Jungers says:

    I love the smell of racism in the morning.

  3. Manhattan Infidel says:

    Shamus: You can’t make it up. Kim Kardouchebagian did “tweet” her support at the supposed “rally.”

    TJ; It smells like victory.

  4. innominatus says:

    If I had the name “Peter King” I’d be a pornstar, not a congressman.

  5. Manhattan Infidel says:

    Inn: To hell with Howard Stern! I anoint you King of all media! I would do porn myself but my porn name is Virgil Averagesize.

    And what I love is that the Media is in a tizzy over these hearing and are throwing King’s support of Gerry Adams and the IRA in his face.

    it’s nice to see the MSM finally upset over terrorism. Oh, wait. It’s white terrorism. Figures.

  6. MK says:

    “It’s like the 1960s all over again. I haven’t had much to smile about since my prostate was removed but I’m feeling the old juices coming back.”

    What about all the loose and easy women. 🙂

    “Peace was thrown into the air, his legs blown off. When he regained consciousness and saw that his legs were missing he said “I blame Glenn Beck for his. The man’s rhetoric is inflammatory.” ”

    He forgot to mention that islam=peace.

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