Albany After Dark!

Albany after dark - it’s happening babe!As Night Train played in the background and scantily-clad women danced around a pole, New York Governor  David Paterson smoked a cigar and talked with the Manhattan Infidel.

“All this talk of a sex scandal in my administration is wetting my appetite so to speak” he said as he shoved a sizable tip down a dancer’s panties.  “Pay attention New Yorker’s.  I’m Governor and I just gave your tax money to a stripper.”

At the table with Governor Patterson were Senate Democratic Leader  John Sampson, The Reverend Floyd Flake,  Representative Gregory Meeks and Senate President Malcolm Smith.  They were dividing up what appeared to be hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash between them while puffing on illegal Cuban cigars.

“The Feds may have seized Aqueduct Racetrack’s records but we still have the cash baby.  We can’t be touched” the Reverend Flake said.

“I love the smell of money.  It smells like victory” John Sampson exclaimed as he picked up a pile of money in both arms.

In a corner of the room sitting alone was New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg who kept muttering “People shouldn’t smoke.  That’s just immoral” over and over.

Rep. Gregory Meeks picked up some cash and told Governor Paterson to give some to the strippers.

“Is that your wife dancing around the pole” he said.

“It sure is” declared Governor Paterson.  “We have an open relationship.”

I asked Governor Paterson about rumors of  “key parties” and secret rooms in the Executive Mansion where State Troopers have seen him engaged In Flagrante Delicto with other women.

“We have many closets in my mansion and I have been in every closet, if you catch my meaning.  Now, enough questions.  Where are the hookers!  Where’s my pimp coat?”

At the mention of prostitutes a man wearing black socks and nothing else ran into the room.

“It’s Client Number Nine” yelled everyone in the room.

“Am I too late for the hookers” asked former Governor Eliot Spitzer before jumping up on stage to fondle some of the dancers.

Having seen enough I stood up and ran for the exit.

“Where are you going?” asked the Governor.  “The party has just started.  I’m black.  I’m blind and I’m alive” he shouted to laughter from the room.

I almost knocked down the door in my hurry to leave.  I had to erase from my mind what I had just seen.  I had to get back to New York City where things were normal.  Well, relatively speaking that is.



2 Responses

  1. This reads like an episode of The Sopranos … and is probably just as close to the truth.

  2. Manhattan Infidel says:

    Politically, New York State has always been a very very strange state. I was born and raised in upstate New York and now live in New York City and honestly, the politics of New York City are profoundly more normal than the State politics are.

    Yeah, now the big scandal (after spitzer left because of the 3000 an hour call girls) is the shady Aqueduct racetrack deal……please pay in cash!

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