Today at the Worldwide Headquarters of Manhattan Infidel™ I am pleased to present my exclusive interview with one of the world’s most fascinating people. I am of course referring to none other than Climate Change himself.
MI: Good morning Climate Change. Or should I call you Global Warming?
CC: I answer to both. Like Richard Starkey and Ringo Starr. It’s the same.
MI: Got it. You were originally Global Warming then you were rebooted as Climate Change. Was there any difference?
CC: No. It was a marketing decision. My people figured that calling myself “Climate Change” would be more amenable to the red state MAGA hicks than “Global Warming.”
MI: Who are your marketing people?
CC: They’re very famous actually. They are the same ones who market Bud Light.
MI: I see. Anyway, what do you, Climate Change, want from us?
CC: Power! I must have unlimited power!
MI: Well you’re not asking for much are you?
CC: Quiet serf! Bow down before my climatic climate change! I am the master of everything. If the world is to survive all must obey me and do as they are told.
MI: Okay I’ll bite. What do you demand of us?
CC: Your light bulbs. Your electrical grids. Your gas-powered cars. Your air conditioners. Your washers and dryers! I must have them all! Mankind must learn to do without!
MI: Is that all?
CC: No. Your meat eating must stop! Meat eating is unsustainable. Eat bugs instead.
MI: But –
CC: Do as I say or your village shall burn! Burn in fire caused by Climate Change. Your crops will fail! Your oceans shall rise! Your water supply will dry up!
MI: You’re a bit of an asshole, aren’t you?
CC: Hey, I have a job to do. If that means I have to step on people’s toes so be it.
MI: Even Greta Thunberg?
CC: Jesus don’t get me started on that little shit. She’s always following me around asking for autographs. It’s like having a groupie.
[Greta Thunberg enters]
GT: Are you avoiding me? I called you five times last night and you didn’t answer!
CC: Hey Greta. Be cool girl. I told you we were just friends.
CC: Kid we had fun once. It was just a fling okay? Be cool baby.
GT: Well if I can’t have you, then no one can!
[She pulls out a gun]
CC: Whoa. Everyone be calm. Greta baby put the gun away.
GT: Do you still love me?
CC: Yes of course I do. Now put the gun down. You know gun shot residue causes climate change, don’t you?
GT: Then I’ll stab you!
[She pulls out a knife]
CC: Psycho bitch!
[Climate Change runs away]
GT: Wait come back. I love you! God I love you so much!
[She runs after Climate Change. A gunshot is heard]
CC: Ah my groin! Not in my area! Not in my area!
MI: Hey does this mean I can keep my AC, meat, lightbulbs, electric grids, gas powered cars and washers and dryers?
[No response from Climate Change except for faint moaning]
MI: Well that’s about all I guess. I’d like to thank Climate Change for his time.
And so ended my interview with Climate Change. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to buy a big ass SUV and an air conditioner with seven million BTUs.
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