Today at Manhattan Infidel I have the pleasure of interviewing a rising star in the Democratic Party. Indeed many consider him the heart, soul and conscience of the Party. I am referring to former comedian and late night host Jimmy Kimmel.
MI: Good afternoon Mr. Kimmel.
JK: [Pause] Tears. My tears flow freely. Flowing tears of tear flowing.
MI: I’m sorry. I’m very gassy.
JK: Pain. Flowing tears.
MI: I blame my diet.
JK: No. My tears flow for the 58 killed in Las Vegas.
MI: Yes that was a tragic event.
JK: Republicans have blood on their hands.
MI: What?
JK: Those 58 are dead because Republicans will not abolish the second amendment. All guns need to be banned. America is a violent, racist country. The most violent and racist country on the face of the Earth.
MI: More violent than Mexico?
JK: [Pause] Tears. Flowing freely. Gun control. It will bring about paradise on Earth. Bump stock. Automatic weapon. Tears.
MI: What about the 60 who get killed every month in Chicago by gunfire? Will you shed tears for them?
JK: No. That’s a stupid question. Chicago is a Democratic city.
MI: So your tears are selective?
JK: How dare you say that. [Pause.] Tears. Flowing.
MI: You say you want to ban the second amendment yet you have an armed security team. Why is your life more important than mine?
JK: Well I’m on television. And rich and white.
MI: What?
JK:[Pause] Tears flowing freely for the victims of gun violence except in Chicago.
[Former Speaker of the House John Boehner arrives]
JB: I heard someone crying. May I join?
JK: Tears flowing freely.
JB: What for?
JK: Victims of Gun violence except in Chicago.
[Boehner starts weeping uncontrollably]
JB: As a member of the Republican branch of the Democratic party what can I do to help?
JK: Repeal the second amendment and confiscate all guns.
JB: Does this include my private security detail?
JK: No.
JB: Tears. Tears flowing freely for victims of gun violence except in Chicago.
MI: Guys can you both stop crying for a second. I have some more questions.
[Tammy Faye Bakker arrives]
TFB: I hear crying. Can I join the two of you?
JK & JB: Sure. Our tears are flowing freely for the victims of gun violence except in Chicago.
TFB: I don’t care what your reasons are. I just want to cry with you.
JK, JB &TFB: Our tears mingle freely for the victims of gun violence except in Chicago.
MI: Okay well I see I’m not going to accomplish much with this interview so I’ll –
[Jim Bakker arrives]
JimB: Please, please let me cry with you.
JK & JB: You are more than welcome. We are crying over the victims of gun violence.
TFB: Outside of Chicago.
JK & JB: Repeal the second amendment and ban guns.
JimB: As long as it doesn’t affect my private security detail. I’m all in.
[All four cry together]
MI: Come on people. The calcium from all your tears is staining my suit.
[Jimmy Swaggart enters]
JS: Oh please. You call that crying? I’ll show you crying.
[Swaggart starts crying]
JS: I have sinned against the Lord, Manhattan Infidel.
JK, JB, TFB & JimB: Come join us as we shed tears for victims of gun violence except in Chicago. Help us ban all guns.
JS: Will this affect my private security detail?
MI:That does it. I’m out of here.
I was lucky to get out from under all those tears without drowning. I’m just lucky Anthony Weiner didn’t show up. Does anyone know a good dry cleaner that can remove calcium stains from my suit?
God damn cry babies!!
When elected President my first executive order shall be to sell California back to Mexico. Then they’ll have good reason to cry.